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About GoggoBeast

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  1. If the anti vaxxers don't want a vaccine, fine but then don't let them clog up the hospital system and prevent surgeries and other important procedures that may save lives to go ahead.
  2. must be a crack head. knock some sense into him.
  3. Some of his other ministers have been doing some of that. I think that the Uk should go about the opening up cautiously in stages and measure the outcome before going to the next stage.
  4. I worked with a bloke many yeas ago who was cool under pressure, never ever saw him lose it once. They could be all sorts of shit going down or machinery broken and instead of saying "get me the fuck outta here" he would sing "Fly Me to the Moon"
  5. I tripped over this song and immediately thought of you. Bickies = cookies. Ozzie slang for biscuits. 🙂
  6. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjuxf7MgpfwAhVzwjgGHbsiBo8QFjAAegQIBRAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.statista.com%2Fstatistics%2F585152%2Fpeople-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race%2F&usg=AOvVaw0YAO1jxUX7FZ1kJNX4xhj2
  7. Was out with my black American friend here in Australia the other night and we saw some police talking to some people who had been drinking and were a little bit rowdy , his comment was I can't believe the difference in how the police handle situations compared to back in his country. I think our cops only receive about six months training, the rest is learned out on the street with other officers. Occasionally you get a cop fuck up here to, but mostly it's just a bit of "biffo" (punched). The main difference is that our civilian population don't carry guns around with them. Our main issues are drunkeness around the nightclub sector on a weekend and methheads having some kind of a freak out, occasionally when they turn violent and if they grab a knife, they might get shot but it is rare though that someone gets shot over here.
  8. Tatum for President. About time we had someone who's trying to bridge the divide rather than spread hate and vitriol. MSM will plant the seeds and the sheeple follow. Don't get me wrong Chauvin should have gone about that arrest of George Floyd quite differently, but most black murders are committed by black gangbangers and drug fraternity, now when that happens no-one complains about that. .
  9. Glad that POS is dead, no more dealing ice to vulnerable people and ruining any more peoples lives.
  10. She was a POS with no regard for the other girls life, the male that kicked the girl in the head should be charged as well, she could have ended up with serious brain damage. very good judgement by the police officer, in a split second he saved the girl in pinks' life as she would have received a knife wound to the throat. This is what happens when you live the "thug life" of drugs and violence, the cops are the first ones to be called on when shit goes down but the perps can't deal with the reality of what might happen. If these people just complied and didn't act the smartarse then their lives could have been saved. Just lay down and go through the process. If you think you were unfairly dealt with then pursue it in court. Don't see any of these people volunteering to keep their community safe but they want to condemn the very people who do (police). There are some very good officers out there that save lives everyday but you don't really get to see that. No doubt the social engineers will portray this POS Makhia as a straight A student that loves puppies and kittens rather than the hood life that she chose to live. They will turn it into a black and white issue and as before, we'll have the likes of congresswoman Maxine Waters call for people to "step up" the violence , burning and looting ( even against their own) . Maxine should be indicted for inciting violence and unrest in the community, while there are people like her around there will be no peace. These social manipulators are the ones oppressing the working class for their own gains I could go on but it makes my blood boil when I see hard working innocent people suffer in these riots.
  11. For the Aussies, Ti Tszyu fights Dennis Hogan on the 31st.
  12. Pretty sure he still is in management, crazy move if he does step into the ring at his age IMHO
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