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tommy dee

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Everything posted by tommy dee

  1. for anyone who remembers, and f course for newbies who didnt know him, Lanza built this board. He was also the father to Young Thomas. three years ago today I think this was written at the time GOOD NIGHT LANZA LAD Deeply saddened to inform all of the passing of Phil Gaines, aka Lanza/Lanzalad. As some will know, Phil had been battling cancer with all his might for the past few years. the ups and downs have been enormous. sometimes when we spoke I was convinced it would be our last chat ever, he could hardly breathe to finish a sentence. a week later he was up and atom, as they say. but the past few months really took their toll on him as cancer did its evil deed. Several others here were in regular contact too, and we all saw him come back, and post, and do the admin and enjoy the board even quite recently. all will confirm that the last few weeks were fAR from a comfortable period and that, sadly, his passing will in many ways have been a relief to him Phil was fortunate to have a wonderful wife who has been his real strength these past years. She is a strong woman by nature but the series of shocks regarding his health hurt her deeply, this as together they introduced Little Thomas into the world, a little man who quickly became the apple of Phil's eye. In the last few weeks, two pals in the UK have been in regular contact and visits which I know cheered him up no end. I wont name as thats their business but they are welcome, please, to do so, and from all of us who couldnt, a big thank you for the effort. WE ALL HAVE MEMORIES OF PHIL, Where ever he is, the bald northern git with a heart of gold, I hope he has a laptop , and is reading this. I will probably get a Pm later that will begin.. "yeah but Tommy, the thing is...." cos that was his start to most discussions. Love to his family, and miss ya mate Tommy
  2. somehow maybe give him somethign to do, ask him to choose 50 pf his favorutie snaps so that we can create a striderman library here. apart from anything else it might take his mond off. just an idea
  3. so sad. he is lucky to have a very good pal on his side
  4. its very interesting for sure. another viewpoint appears to be that if they do that they might hope to placate the voters for the winning Forward party which is no longer in the main stream. it would be hard to raise objections among the public if they all get this money. someone described it as feeding old bread to ducks on a pond. either way the next few weeks and ndeed the next 8 months will be times to remember and for now, to watch carefully. I am not promoting either or any of the "sides" here btw, as I, like all of us, dont have a dog in this fight
  5. the pub s ok and phil is ok too, but this lineup, really, maybe its just me but i expected to see them in a pen with rings in their noses waiting to be turned into mincemeat
  6. so terribly sad to hear, one of the old crowd too. i can picture Larry and Striderman on their daily walkabout, see him i secrets and wish him all the very best. I do hope he has meds that relieve the pain and hope he has a chance of recovery. photos were legendary but I think a lot were lost when someone pulled the sshhhh plug.
  7. as long as the agents, so called, ask the sellers how much they want, and accept what ever the seller says.. prices will remain silly for houses. i have never understood the lack of skill here. when we listed one I had to ASK what they thought it could sell for, and that left them all scratching their heads
  8. that first coat s the piss coat. we did it with cars too. its supposed to and does soak into the now dried and absorbent old coat. its essential. after that, 1 or 2 coats of GOOD quality paint, berger or top of the range TOA and you are good to go a lttle detail to bore you.. when yo paint you create skin which is non permeable but over time here becomes dried, dusty and absorbent. paint from the can paint is not a good ide as it wot soak in and bind properly, later it will peal. as an example, if you paint a car bumper, you use whats called etch primer first, to KEY into the old finish and plastic keying the paint is the most important issue. f it doesnt key, bind, with the old, it will look good for a year
  9. the heat here combined with some shite paint means that first run your hands over the paint. if any dust like chalk comes off. you defo need it to be keyed with a primer first first pant coat is what we used to cal a piss coat, thinned down, second full on if youa re local I have a bloke is very good and works with me also check for cracks. they are NOT subsidence but in the cement finish .. i u have them, they need to be filled first and NOT with pant as paint has zero filler property 18 yrs, 4 houses here.. been there and got the t shirt
  10. wow. tooo many mammaries from the old days in there, . all things must pass
  11. did u sell it? intersted as to actual selling price
  12. then you were misled here is how it goes. she can leave you her interest in the house. yes all of it. BUT then the court will order you to divest yourself of that within, say, a year. so essentially if she goes first, you find anothe thai to hold the shares OR sell the house
  13. lot more wil go the same way between now and december for sure. landlords been having it away with ganga shops but far too many for the market
  14. used one to cross at foodland last week, some cunt nearly took me out. needless to say he got the full finger blast and a bang on his door. madness
  15. thanks for sharing this. our news is my daily challenge 🙂
  16. i call BS for a million reasons, grafting a nipple bieng one of them 🙂
  17. thnk its about to do the rounds again now, rumble in the dark side
  18. at work now, and the roads in were fine, no more than big puddles anywhere, bit of aqua planing on the motorway exit to the rialway road but otherwise fine. think this is gonna be with us for the day tho. we had power cuts thru the night at the radio station. and with that surges when it came back on, but all fixed due to my fantastic skills ( 555)
  19. just ff to work so will see, but was continuous rain all night on the dark side
  20. funny, i started that trip with you here, I know the lady manager of recpeton at the new hotel there, and la baguette belongs to a friend of mine. i need to get out more and see more of this thanks
  21. Hi all, over the weekend a couple of good posters here tried to slip in reference to certain people/laws which were both against the board rules. I am hoping thats sorted now, we dont bear a grudge but absolutely cannot tolerate such, especially at the current time GOING FORWARD: Discussion of Thai politics is really unadvisable for two reasons, 1) its a minefield and 2) that we will sadly have to heavily moderate. something we hate doing here. and violating board rules cant be tolerated either Until it all calms down, and right now its a rumbling volcano in several ways and a detailed game of chess in others..its worth remembering, as some of of us who live here can, that in the past.. a clamp down and double checks were done by authorities at times when the heat was on. Some of us live here, and would like to be allowed to continue to do so, without any grief from authorities.. Really, i dont think this affects the vibe of the board, or most of the post subjects, but for politico's pls take note thanks for understanding
  22. i have stopped using amazon now as the delivery costs to here add up to as much as the goods. crazy
  23. still a lot for that small land and inexpesnive build sorry dont mean to be rude,
  24. i could say se was forced on my thru my work, but to be fair she, and who ever pulls the strings, took a country singer and made her a star. like her or not, she is always, as in always, in every chart.. so the gp likes her too
  25. as indeed you do. have happily been here 15 yrs and owned 3 houses, currently. no issues. al on the up and up. beats paying rent for sure and stops you from spunking your money
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