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Advanced Stage 5
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Everything posted by Trip

  1. But what do you really think?
  2. Old Tony Romo dodged a bullet there.
  3. If only there was a place one could go to meetup with youtube vloggers covering those events. wait a minute.
  4. Yeah, we have those around. In the last 5 years they've sprung up all over. Still rare; however, to see them in private residences.
  5. Wow, an actual clothes dryer in a Thai home. Those things are rarer than a Devil's Den virgin.
  6. One of the most offensive parts of it for me is that they are virtually immune to correction, cannot be fired, lifetime employment or for as long as they want no matter what the performance or lack thereof.
  7. That is confusing but if it means pay 720 Baht for a couple of drinks, count me out.
  8. I don't think so, at least for the shit show in the US for the past decade. Most of our customers were US Federal government agencies, like HUD, FEMA, etc. It never failed to shock me at how incompetent those Agencies were run. Doesn't matter which party is in power. It's embarrassing.
  9. Man ... Passport Bros is a real thing in the Philippines. 100s of YT videos. The funniest ones are about the black broads in the US getting their asses handed to them, and that's a load in most cases, by the flip girls.
  10. Indeed, but in the US that's called a Massey "Compensator."
  11. Let's hope he doesn't also drive a Corvette Z1, Porsche 930 Turbo, or Ferrari F40.
  12. My favorite of his quirks was the portraits he had commissioned/painted of BGs he BFined and then hung in a flat, the portraits that is, that he rented year around to store his junk at Rose House. Never met him IRL so no cause to doubt yesitsdakid's take that eyenitnoy was a good guy but he was a strange one.
  13. The VPI guy has high regards for you. He keeps inviting me to the farm. I might take him upon the offer this trip.
  14. Yeah that's the guy. Supposedly the nickname means something like a little bit shy. That pimp palace he refurbished for what he claimed was over 1.5 million Baht in one of the crappiest condo developments in Pattaya, Fybird or similar, is evidence to that.
  15. Yeah, that's the guy. Irony of ironies I first met him at le pub. We ended up in a conversation with a 3rd guy there who also went to the same place we went to university in Texas. It can be a small world.
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