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Everything posted by monkey_omelette

  1. Love them...................... Unless someone serves them up touching egg on my plate.😜
  2. I made myself a little chicken kebab for breakfast today. Picture before I put chilli sauce on.
  3. Touching? They are all over them like a bad rash.
  4. Too bloody right. That has made me cry tears of blood. 😭
  5. It's happening already in every industry. The amount of my contacts on LinkedIn who have lost their jobs over the past month is scary.
  6. I used to go for BMW's and had 3 in a row but now I've gone over to Mercs. My latest is this one.
  7. Always remember the music in A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. The man was a genius.
  8. Nursing a hangover. Went to the boozer for a couple at 3.30pm yesterday. Got home at 11.30pm!!
  9. Feck me, Bulgaria was my plan B and that's not even on there.
  10. I certainly do. It's a while since i was down there though. Might have to book a trip and sample the delights of Pizza Gogo on the way back from that boozer to my hotel.
  11. Oh no, I'm traumatized, beans touching eggs. 😧😰
  12. I heard that when she was at Uni her nickname was seaweed because even the tide wouldn't take her out.
  13. I had a proper crush on Bobby Jean Brown from this video ( yes, she is the girl)
  14. Look great, your daughter needs bigger plates though. 🙂
  15. Since lockdown started I've probably bought enough cans of beer to fill an Olympic swimming pool. My waist line regrets those purchases now.
  16. I was drinking outside a bar on Khosan road and 2 lads i know from my local back in the UK walked past me.
  17. Last time i was there she was working in one of the Siren bars that face the walkway to The Pattaya Beer Garden.
  18. I still think there may be a chance in September. Things can change quickly.
  19. Poached eggs with parmesan and black pepper for a light lunch today.
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