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Everything posted by Glasseye

  1. Just started watching "Gemini Man" on Netflix. Looks pretty dang good thus far.
  2. "Bournemouth" ??? Heck of a name. Sounds like the perfect place for a gay bar. 55555 !!!
  3. Hahaha... Time for my walk (since my bicycle is out for major repairs) down to the market. Then back home to crack open a few. Even on bad days life is good.
  4. Interesting question. Depending what the rates are, and what they may be down the road (estimated) maybe balance having both of them. One key thing I have learned is that getting a policy prior to 65 and maintiaining with proper premium payments is important to keeping rates down.
  5. Seems to be a new one every day. I don't even open them.
  6. Some companies require a physical exam. Some do the question and answer thing extensive (mind numbing), then they will dig into your insurance history (amazing how much they can/will find out). They will load you up on pre-existing conditions (unless you go in and are in good health and they can;t find anything), age when you get the policy is also an important factor. Some of the prexisting factors have time limits. For example they will say will not cover you for any prostate issue for up to two years. But following that (if you provide the proper info.) they will begin coverage. Either way.... it is easy to get fcuked. I went with PC primarily to have something to "get into the door". Once the intial diagnoses is made and I am stabilized I figure I will have to battle out how it's all going to be paid for, or if I will have to go back to the U.S. use Medicare and battle with them over there. It's a nightmare no matter how you break it down.
  7. Fried chicken.... In the big black iron skillets.....
  8. You can go up to a room following the feast and crank out some skid marks. Now that sound like a good day !
  9. Sad thing about it is he didn't earn squat from it (other than his normal salary. Swift fcuked him. He was also in on the early beginnings of bar codes. We see where those are now.
  10. My dad invented (designed) the net that goes around a Butterball turkey. Increasesd sales by the millions.
  11. I hope to be in HH for Christmas to meet up with a great friend and fellow BM. Some realy turkey would be nice. Can't remember the last time.
  12. lol She was one of the greatest !
  13. It's hard to get stoned enough for that tune. Enjoy Pump !
  14. I consider it mostly as "Motown", or R&B for simplicity. Think Diana Ross and The Jackson 5. Cheers !
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