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Everything posted by thumper63

  1. Had some heavy rains in the high country ( finally ) and the creek muddied up in just an hour.
  2. Now this is a first for me. I have never known anyone to have diced or crushed tomatoes over toast..... not that I wouldn't like it.
  3. Just grilled up some ribeye steak. It doesn't get much better than this. ( I know I know... wrong thread. )
  4. Started to go out into the back yard of the house in town and was stopped cold.
  5. Fforest... I love ya like a brother but this gal is totally in the wrong. Our govenor has made it mandatory that masks be worn in any and all public places in the state of Colorado due to spikes in covid cases. For the vast majority of us who are actually living here, this shit is very real and not fake news or some diabolical plot by some government to cripple our economy. I would never deny you your rights to your views or your beliefs.... but this gal was being incredibly selfish, self centered, and inconsiderate in her actions. PS. I miss posting in the Small and Perky thread...lol
  6. One of the benefits of the virus and associated lockdowns has been the extra time I have on my hands. One thing I've been doing is weeding through and consolidating boxes of " stuff " that's been accumulating over the last 30, 40 , 50 years. One thing that has surprised me is that I now have actual " collections " of stuff that I never knew that I had a collection of. As a kid I started buying these little thumb pump oil cans. Not sure actually how many it takes to officially constitute a collection, but here are some. And let it be known that no 2 are the same. No duplicates. Thought you guys might get a kick out of them.
  7. As of right now this second.... being healthy and living where I do. It truly is a gift.
  8. So at this time you would rather opt for a 5 year study? Lets see how that works out.
  9. For every female (?) out there there are at least 10 guys who would bang it. Or so my Granddad used to tell me.
  10. This is a fantastic mural. Leonard Cohen is one of my all time heroes.
  11. And just where in the hell did I or Lazarus attack Trump code? No fucking way man.
  12. Wait.. what.. Trump with a mask? No way...
  13. I agree. It's going to be interesting between now and next January
  14. Hahaha.... I've got a couple photos just like this. I remember the first time I saw these I thought WTF are those things. Took me awhile to figure it out.
  15. I was born into a family of Ford lovers and with the exception of a few Cadillacs I still carry on the tradition. So I was a Ford man where everybody else drove Chevrolets. I was also a Coors drinker when everyone else drank Budweiser. I smoked Winston's where everybody else smoked Marlboros. I dated black girls when that kind of conduct just wasn't acceptable.
  16. You're a very lucky man to be able to share these lovely meals with you Mother. I would give anything in the world to be able to sit at my Mom's kitchen table again. I miss her more than anything.
  17. Chicken nuggets, tater tots and a salad. Simple and tasty.
  18. And you sir do a pretty damn good job of doing the same. The photos of your meals have made me hunger on many an occasion.
  19. Home made chicken noodle soup with a generous handful of grated cheddar cheese.. I have found that in life that there is very little that can not benefit from an extra helping of good cheese 😃😃
  20. The leftover makings for the tacos that we had the other night made for a couple real nice taco salads tonight.... never waste food!
  21. Hahaha.... family.. go figure! I have the feeling they are bonded for life. It's just that they dont want you to know
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