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Everything posted by fygjam

  1. Just saw this Delhi plane spotting channel on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sLX0UnJmt0 They stopped streaming just after I took the screen grab so it's now a recording. Conditions look even better at the beginning of the vid.
  2. ^^^ This might also interest you.
  3. “I looked at this person and I said: ‘You can eff off. I’m going to work towards a tennis ball,’” she recalled, apparently referring to the practice of acting against a tennis ball in scenes that will later have computer graphics added. https://au.news.yahoo.com/rebecca-ferguson-slams-idiot-celeb-235430881.html?guccounter=1 Yesterday, Shazam! Fury of the Gods director David F. Sandberg tweeted a fun behind the scenes image from his upcoming film. It was of a unicorn-like stuffy head, complete with a tennis ball covering the pointy end of the unicorn’s horn. While it may have been placed there for (obvious) safety reasons, tennis balls are actually quite a common sight on film sets, often for more than just protecting actor and crew members from sharp pieces of kit. Tennis balls regularly serve as ‘stand-ins’ for the eyelines of creatures of characters which might be added in later in CG by a visual effects studio. Plus, tennis balls have, over the years, played an important role in acting as tracking markers around interior and exterior sets. https://beforesandafters.com/2023/03/04/meet-the-true-unsung-hero-of-visual-effects-the-tennis-ball/#:~:text=Tennis balls regularly serve as,around interior and exterior sets. Now I learnt something today as well.
  4. The question still remains. Why was the panther on its way to Phanoen Thung?
  5. ^^^ China announced that they are developing their own version of the Patriot missile system. They have the transporter. Now for the control unit.
  6. Not bad but I do like lightening bolts.
  7. ^^^ I would have preferred one of those lightening bolts he allegedly hurls from on high. Or a Storm Shadow.
  8. Do you have HRV? What is HRV? Can you get HRV with a side of fries? Heart rate variability. In simple terms, if you heart beats with the precision of a Swiss watch say one beat every 1000ms (1 second) then you would have a heart rate (HR) of 60 BPM but no HRV. If, on the other hand, the interval between beats was slightly erratic say 950ms, 1050ms, 900ms, 1100ms then you would also have a HR of 60 BPM but with HRV. If there is no underlying disease or cause then a high HRV is good. HRV can be considered an indication of overall fitness. HRV reduces naturally with age. Over training can reduce HRV. There is an app, ithlete - https://www.myithlete.com/, that some people use to plan their training days. In my younger days I used it all the time. For some reason I always found it necessary to restrict myself to a light workout due to a low HRV, well I thought it was low. Polar HR monitors calculate a thing called fitness based on HRV. HRV is measured when you are at rest. Polar, for example, suggest you wear your chest strap and device when you sleep to get the best reading. Any device/app combination that communicate over BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) should be able to calculate HRV because the protocol for BLE HRMs requires they supply the heart rate interval in binary milliseconds (1024ths of a second).Devices which use photoplethysmography are not considered as accurate as those which detect the heart beat electrically. e.g. chest strap. Why did I make this post. Wel I thought it might be of interest and then @Yessongs posted a photo of his oximeter and I remembered the oximeter I got during the pandemic also displayed HRV. This one It is unbranded but the model is YWK-J1 and available from a number of sellers on Aliexpress so shop around if interested. The app is called Oximeter-H. PI stands for perfusion index. There's plenty of information on the internet about HRV so do your own research. And yes, photoplethysmography is a real word. Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a simple optical technique used to detect volumetric changes in blood in peripheral circulation. It's the little green LED that flashed on the underside of wrist fitness devices etc.
  9. Swimmer refuses to leave the water complaining that the helicopter with siren blaring is disturbing his swim. 4 metre Great White shark as seen from helicopter.
  10. If it were a female pilot then pilot induced oscillations may be correct. Otherwise Pilot-induced oscillations (PIOs), as defined by MIL-HDBK-1797A,[1] are sustained or uncontrollable oscillations resulting from efforts of the pilot to control the aircraft. They occur when the pilot of an aircraft inadvertently commands an often increasing series of corrections in opposite directions, each an attempt to cover the aircraft's reaction to the previous input with an overcorrection in the opposite direction. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilot-induced_oscillation
  11. Actually I think it might have been pilot error albeit due to difficult conditions. That video is 11 hours long with aircraft landing every 2-3 minutes and that was the worst landing that I saw although there were a number of other go arounds. No, I haven't seen all 11 hours. They were sent away for about 40 minutes. You can see the second attempt at 6:54:13. I am not a pilot!
  12. Keep your seatbelt fastened until the aircraft comes to a complete stop. Video positioned for the three bounce landing, bit of PIO there.
  13. If you have his email you could always send him the link so he can watch 2 hours of landings before it's his turn.
  14. Another go around. They're having a hard job getting the aircraft to stick to the ground.
  15. Mr Touch and Go got it down on the second attempt but really smoked the tyres.
  16. Mr Touch and Go has been taking the scenic route before trying again.
  17. Does he smoke a pipe?
  18. fygjam


    If it's a Thai affair I would have thought a keg of Coke and a keg of "Roy Pipe" would be what's required. Roy Pipe
  19. A bit more in vehicle CO2 monitoring. Prior to starting each leg had the monitor in fresh air to purge. First leg, AC on, fan on, recirc on. 23/02/2024 19:43 431 23/02/2024 19:44 953 23/02/2024 19:45 1216 23/02/2024 19:46 1316 23/02/2024 19:47 1561 23/02/2024 19:48 1680 23/02/2024 19:49 1763 23/02/2024 19:50 1837 23/02/2024 19:51 1924 23/02/2024 19:52 1985 23/02/2024 19:53 2056 23/02/2024 19:54 2105 23/02/2024 19:55 2224 Second leg, AC on, fan on, recirc off. 23/02/2024 20:09 436 23/02/2024 20:10 829 23/02/2024 20:11 751 23/02/2024 20:12 706 23/02/2024 20:13 623 23/02/2024 20:14 581 23/02/2024 20:15 509 23/02/2024 20:16 474 23/02/2024 20:17 507 23/02/2024 20:18 497 23/02/2024 20:19 533 23/02/2024 20:20 523 23/02/2024 20:21 642 The 497 reading was immediately after I pulled off the road into the driveway. The following three readings were when I was parking the car and sitting in the cool using my phone to turn off the house security alarms. I guess the takeaway is to keep the fresh air vents open.
  20. These work a treat. Not sure about which direction you need to rotate a tick Tick mouthparts Tick mouthparts, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). The mouthparts of a tick consist of three visible components. The two outer jointed parts are highly mobile palps. Between the palps, at centre, is a rod-shaped structure, the hypostome. The palps do not enter the skin of the host while the tick is feeding, while the hypostome is inserted into the hosts skin. The backward-pointing projections prevent easy removal of the tick.
  21. It is called a SCAN. Senior Citizen Afternoon Nap.
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