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Everything posted by forcebwithu

  1. ^^^ Notice it starts with one person in the rubber raft. The person flips off at the last moment and then the video cuts to the dummy flying across the water. A good stupid human trick vid none the less. While looking for a better quality vid of the above I came across this one. It's a borderline stupid human trick, but looks fun as hell. I would try it.
  2. Road warrior tip; roll instead of fold to reduce wrinkles and save space.
  3. Live cam of the current weather in Pattaya. If it wasn't for the heat I'd say it's beautiful day in paradise. Note: The view switches between Pattaya Beach and Pratamnak Hill.
  4. A good story, but don't see it necessarily as a stupid human trick. They got free food out of the deal unlike the LK Metro bar that tattooed their ladies with "49 Baht" as a means to advertise their cheap beer prices. The ladies got nothing, except the free advertising tattoo, and not a very good looking tattoo either. That qualifies both the owner and the ladies that agreed to the tattoo the stupid human trick award.
  5. Pretty amazing skiing one section in IFR conditions. "The only thing that didn't go exactly according to plan was getting completely blinded right before the first air of the double-out. In a moment, I decided to proceed with the line without vision, and trust my prior visualizations, and I came out of the cloud with just enough time to spot my landing and stomp. Skiing out around the giant slough cloud was pretty surreal as well. All in all, the experience was so incredible, I couldn't help but get a little sentimental in the voice over haha. Hope you enjoy!"
  6. Interesting interview that highlights how long it takes to become a maritime pilot and how well trained they are. I’ve captained ships into tight ports like Baltimore, and this is how captains like me work with harbor pilots to avoid deadly collisions Can you describe the training of a ship pilot? Post: Most of them start out at a maritime academy and have to spend many years at sea in command or as a bridge watch-stander on a vessel. From there, they start into the pilot apprentice program that each one of the pilot associations has, and those programs last years. What they do in those programs is use simulators and real, actual hands-on training, so that they can see how the different ships maneuver, how different places along the route have different currents and tides, and how the channels affect the ships. It’s not something that you can go to a sea school for three weeks to learn and then come out and be a pilot. It’s many years long. They’re really the surgeons of the sea. So when a ship’s pilot shows up, they’re going to be someone with a minimum of how many years training before they even get onto your ship? Post: Many have 10-plus years before they are allowed to work on their own.
  7. That's a screenshot of Street View from 2012. To go back in time on Street View, click on "See more dates" in the upper left corner. On the bottom of the browser window the timeline of available Street Views will display. Click on the date you'd like to see. Very handy when you want to see how a location has developed over time. https://www.google.co.th/maps/@12.9487801,100.889251,3a,75y,237.25h,85.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szQ1W_X7z9KK7bWbDWYcTWQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu
  8. Good memory on the location, but slightly off on the name.
  9. The hot season has arrived, right on schedule. https://weather.com/weather/tenday/l/c71777322a021b674555e10a675185f9fd669912f23304b4e3582ab520fcc914#detailIndex5
  10. At the top of my list for realism would be the Omaha Beach landing in Saving Private Ryan.
  11. About a year ago a neighbor replaced their aging 1000 L water tank and offered it to us for free. I agreed to take it off their hands as it would double the capacity of our rainwater collection system for my lady's garden. So after a year of procrastinating I finally got around to hooking it up to the existing system. Over the last two days I reworked the plumbing, added a new, stronger booster pump, and added an additional water faucet outside our security wall so she could more easily water her plants along the soi. With everything finally hooked up the moment of truth finally arrived to test out the system. I opened the valves, primed and turn on the pump and was heartened to hear water gurgling through the pipes and out the open faucets. Only issue I noticed right away was I had put a gasket on the pump on backwards so it was leaking at the point. That was an easy fix. Not so easy was the leak my lady pointed out a few minutes later. She pointed out the drip, drip, drip of water leaking out the bottom of the inlet port on the inherited tank. A reminder you get what you paid for. I'm thinking that's going to be bastard to try and fix as the bottom half of the inlet port has slightly separated from from the tank. Best I can do is try to plastic weld the broken seam. Now on order from Lazada are HDPE plastic strips I'll need for the repair. I already have the heat gun, so in a few days we'll find out just how good my welding skills are. Here's pics of the entire system. The business end is tank no. 1 that collects the runoff from a downspout. A good downpour will easily fill half the tank before the storm moves on. Water from tank no. 1 is gravity fed to the inherited, tank no. 2. Still on my to do list is to raise tank no. 1 up about 20 cm so the top of each tank is about equal in height. That way when tank no. 1 is full, tank no. 2 will also be full. BTW, the original plan was to position tank on. 2 at the back of the house next to tank no. 1. Unfortunately when the tank was dropped off I discovered it wouldn't fit through the opening to the back of the house, so the front of the house is where it ended up. Rather than have an unsightly big blue tank outside my front door, I wrapped it in green netting to reduce slightly the unsightly factor. The final piece to the watering system is a 450W booster pump that's connected via a T joint to the line to both tanks.
  12. Only took one time for me to be locked out to decide having a spare key hidden outside was a good idea.
  13. Cleanup operations have started on clearing the channel.
  14. A truss bridge design is a careful balance of compression and tension on the trusses. Take out a key part of the bridge, like happened in the collision, and the whole thing will come crashing down like a house of cards in seconds. https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Truss_bridge
  15. For as long as I can remember they've advertised buy 2 drinks for the price of 1, but the reality of the promo has always been you paid for 2 drinks at a time and received a slight discount on the price per drink compared to per drink prices at some of the nearby bars.
  16. That seems quite pricey for a bottle of flavored sugar water. How does Monin compare to Hale's at around 40 - 50B/bottle? As an aside: I use Hale's to make my own cherry flavored diet coke. Just a couple of capfuls in a bottle of large diet coke is all it takes.
  17. Since there are sign boards advertising the 2 for 1 I see it as a marketing gimmick rather than a scam. But I do agree it pisses enough people off I wonder why the owners haven't caught on that it's a bad marketing gimmick. They also lose customers such as myself when I'm looking to have only one more drink before heading home or moving on to another venue. I don't know if they still do it, but at least at Billabong you could tell the staff you only want one drink and that's all you would pay for, although at a slightly higher per drink price than if you ordered the two drink special.
  18. I had chuckle and a sigh of relief when I learned why leave out words from sentences when making posts. https://www.quora.com/I-frequently-leave-out-small-words-when-typing-any-form-of-text-Im-aware-of-this-but-I-still-miss-them-during-re-read-proofing-Im-university-educated-and-a-successful-professional-What-is-wrong-with-me-Is-this-associated-with-any-type-of-condition
  19. If you had waited to just after your b'day the expiration date would be five years from your next birthdate. And an early happy b'day to you.
  20. More details on how LEO's reacted quickly to shut down the bridge with the last vehicle exiting less than 30 seconds before the collapse of the bridge.
  21. Rain now finished and sun is out. Humidity levels going up so that's it for my outside work for the day.
  22. Amazing only six are missing. I noticed in the OP's video you can see vehicle traffic on the bridge up until just before the collision. From the news report someone on the bridge heard the ship's mayday call and reacted quickly enough to stop traffic. Hats off to those that heard the call and blocked traffic as they saved many lives. RIP to the workers that were working directly above the collision point and fell to their deaths. Six presumed dead after cargo ship crash levels Baltimore bridge, company says ... Jeffrey Pritzker, executive vice president of Brawner Builders, confirmed that six were presumed dead and one survived during a telephone interview with NBC News. Their names were not released. Pritzker's announcement came just hours after Maryland Gov. Wes Moore insisted there was still hope that the crew, who vanished after the Francis Scott Key Bridge disintegrated from the impact, might still be found alive despite having been in the freezing water for hours. ... Moore said there might have been drivers in the water were it not for the “folks” who, upon hearing the mayday, blocked off the bridge and kept other cars from crossing. “These people are heroes,” Moore said. “They saved lives. They saved lives.” ... Maryland Department of Transportation Secretary Paul Wiedefeld said the workers on the bridge were repairing concrete ducts when the ship crashed into the structure. At least seven workers were pouring concrete to fix potholes on the roadway on the bridge directly above where the ship hit, a foreman named James Krutzfeldt said. ...
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