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Everything posted by maipenrai

  1. A great start to my day today - no water in my wing of the condo building; I'd seen notices of this but the diagram they had seemed to me to indicate a different floor - no such luck, it's been off since 0900 and may be until 1700. I have to say that I'd much prefer a power failure to water failure - I can still shower, use the toilet and wash dishes in poor light; we take these services so much for granted but it's sure an adjustment when we lose them...
  2. There you go - probably seemed like a great idea at the time but years, or decades later, and he is embarrassed by what he has done to himself - I guess if you want to walk around looking like a page torn from a child's comic book, it is up to you but I think it's nuts.
  3. Maybe I am missing something here, but Alaska is many times the size of Tasmania....
  4. We got shaken around pretty good when the 1964 Alaska earthquake hit - it was a real biggie and did a little property damage where I live but without any injuries: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1964_Alaska_earthquake I was only eight years old so it was quite a novelty watching things moving around in the house. In later years I experienced a couple of earth tremors and found the experience fascinating - once I was in the unfinished basement of our house and you could actually see the concrete walls flex without breaking.
  5. Cold beer and lots of it, and decent shower and A/C when you get home! Woke up yesterday with cold, cough and bad hangover so had a quiet one last night; hangover's gone but the cold lingers, however it's time to get out and get some stuff done. I hate hot weather colds but I seem to catch at least one per extended trip, damned curse...
  6. On the other hand, every day I see guys walking around in this heat wearing black t-shirts and blue jeans, dunno how they can stand it.
  7. Yes, they are beautiful animals; I especially like the Siberian tigers and often wonder what life in my part of North America would be like if they had spread into our continent back in the day, as their modern habitat in Asia is very similar to ours. Pound per pound the leopard is probably the strongest cat out there; you can see plenty of videos on YouTube and reels on FB that show these things climbing trees with antelopes heavier than themselves in their mouths - occasionally the meal will slip from their jaws and they just catch it effortlessly with one paw and keep on climbing up. As an aside, I'd much rather be eaten by a big cat than a bear - big cats always kill their prey before they begin eating, but a bear just starts eating whether you are dead or not...
  8. I'd probably know her too - I was a pretty regular customer from 2009 until 2012 or so and have plenty of photos of the staff from that time.
  9. Quite possible - they do change their names, or answer to more than one, occasionally...
  10. I just started this one the other day and am thoroughly enjoying it - this fellow's writing style is very similar to Ben Macintyre's, most entertaining; this is the first book of an award-winning trilogy and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series:
  11. I remember her well, her name was Ouy and I believe she became involved with a fellow who had business interests in the Philippines; he built the original single-shophouse Time Bar for her to run which she did for a couple of years at least, then I think it was sold and became the bigger venue we enjoy now. I haven't seen or heard anything about her since but I partied with her lots back in the Roadhouse days, she did have an ample chest and a lovely head of hair and was lots of fun: Sadly, she plumped out a little later, here's a photo from 2016:
  12. I'd rather eat king crab than lobster - I find it more tasty although I haven't eaten it for years because of the hideous expense. With the proper tools, it's not so difficult.
  13. I'd love to see this, hopefully I can find it somewhere else; I read the original novella by Frederick Forsyth many years ago and heard it narrated on CBC Canada at Christmas several times over the years, always enjoyed it.
  14. When in Rome, etc....lol...great seeing you again last night.
  15. I think if I was always doing shorter trips like some on the board, I would be depressed upon leaving as the time just goes by so fast; but after my usual three to five month trips I am quite content to be heading home.
  16. All this for just 99b on Soi Honey today, great deal:
  17. Sorry we missed you, I was looking forward to meeting you there but yes, we generally don't spend much more than an hour together.
  18. As a resident of northern Canada, I doubt that I would ever buy an EV - I've just read too many horror stories from present or former owners all over Canada who have just had too many issues with owning them and driving them in winter climates with big landscapes, not to mention the lack of support from the manufacturers for constant breakdowns and defects. It's a pity in a way as my hometown driving habits would actually work quite well with an EV for a daily runabout, although I would save longer trips for a regular ICE vehicle - for example, the nearest town to mine is fifty miles of wilderness away and you don't want to be stranded out there in the cold for long.
  19. I think you meant this reply for Binlid, but I do live in Canada and was just putting in my 2b worth...
  20. In my jurisdiction, I am on the seniors' government "Pharmacare" plan - they will only pay for a maximum of 3 month's worth of meds whether you're going to be going somewhere or not; if you want to take more with you it would be at your expense; needless to say, I make up the shortfall when I am in Thailand or Cambodia, especially the latter as the meds that I take are much cheaper there.
  21. Well, what street having more than a few bars isn't a "splash zone" during Songkhran?
  22. Well, I am amazed that nobody here has mentioned this yet - I saw it on another online source and thought they were trying to pull our legs: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/2757426/songkran-splash-sites-to-be-strictly-booze-free One has to wonder what kind of drugs the powers that be are taking to even consider a draconian rule like this - getting boozed up and having fun is what Songkhran is all about to millions of Thais, never mind like-minded farang visitors - how in the hell do they even hope to enforce this in Pattaya, send in the bloody army?? The mind boggles - maybe April Fool's Day has been moved ahead this year.
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