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Everything posted by Lirchenfeld

  1. Put on a shirt.... But seeing you shirtless, would also stop me from shitting on your balcony.. 🙃
  2. Well, like royal families, none of them work 40 hours a week 47 weeks a year...
  3. Yes. If you are physically in another place and you use a VPN set to to a different location, the website owner/admin will see you from the location you have selected in the VPN. But.... since VPN servers are shared by many other users who have set their VPN program to the same location as you, you are then sharing the same IP address (or range). You have no control over what other people are using the given IP for, thus some websites might restrict services or simply deny access to an IP address from VPNs.
  4. In the start I also didn't like the place, but with time and the lack of hands-on places I have come to accept it. For me it is/was the silly white cotton tennis socks that the girls had to wear as part of their uniform. Turn off for me.
  5. Today, Mar 10, is Mario day
  6. Was staying at Aira Hotel in BKK, not sure what was going on on a rooftop just across the soi....
  7. I don't think the Wongamot location has anything to do with the original Grottino. They have just announced they are reopening on Pattaya north, soi 4 in May. Photo from: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0jmhZGjjuY2tQQRRfYQXUdVBMzzZ1WKDhPC8HW6LmYNyjVd6F6WCZmzmveLU7fapNl&id=100057663150632
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