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  1. We have different perspectives with regard to subs. My older ears need them. Yours will soon before much longer I suspect. 🙂
  2. I had the thought, but decided that any kind of interaction with these crooks was ill-advised.
  3. Based on the escalating number of obviously bogus emails and text messages that I am receiving, I am of the opinion that scamming activity is on the increase in Fun City. I have also had a "pig butchering" contact. I enjoyed playing around with the later for a while, just to have them waste their time before cutting them off at the knees. The "pig butchering" initial approach came over Line. Anyway I was saddened to learn that a lady friend got taken in by a scam recently. She is usually a smart woman. The sophistication and masking of these scams seems to be getting more sophisticated. I had an email show up supposedly from DHL (had the logos etc.) saying that my package was being held because they needed my address and phone number. Glad I did not have an outstanding DHL request at that time.
  4. Well I appear to be quite late to the game here. My first three shots were Pfizer. The 4th was Moderna. I did have a more serious reaction to the Moderna shot. In bed for two days, headaches, increased arm soreness compared to the earlier Pfizer shots, and most troubling -> chest pains. I think the Moderna reaction may have well been a long term good thing in that it increased my overall coverage. It has been two years since my last shot. I would like to get a 5th, but there do not seem to be any current booster shots available here in Thailand. I am making a trip to the US in September and will likely have my 5th one done there. I will probably go with Moderna again. I guess I enjoy being a lab rat. 😉
  5. Thai Meterological Department on the Heat https://thepattayanews.com/2024/04/28/thai-meteorological-department-debunks-rumors-of-hottest-weather-crisis-until-september/ hmmmm - 😏
  6. My whiskey of choice is Tequila. Love that salt, tequila, citrus fruit combo. Back in the US my weapon of choice was Monte Alban Mezcal from Oxaca. Yes this is the one with the worm in the bottle made famous in "Urban Cowboy". I have been unable to find it in Bang Lamung. If someone spots it, please let me know. https://www.totalwine.com/spirits/mezcal/monte-alban-mezcal/p/662750
  7. Same here brother. Oh, I am still in my drinking days to some extent. In my case, I found that after I stopped the drugs, I was able to resume drinking a little. Not for everyone for sure and some would say that I am a damn fool and they are likely right.
  8. I have been battling a respiratory infection of some kind for about 10 days now. IIRC @forcebwithu reported a similar situation a few weeks back. This thing is kicking my ass some days. I must have slept 16 hours yesterday. Symptoms are respiratory congestion to the point that one's diaphragm starts to hurt from all the coughing, headaches, some dizziness, and lack of energy. The Mrs had this starting about a week ahead of me, so I am pretty sure where I caught it. She is still not fully recovered. Her bout was worse than mine. She went to a clinic and they told her she was having a Long Covid episode. To the best of my knowledge Long Covid is not transmittable. I am calling quack on the doc. Also, I have never had Covid, so from what I understand it would be impossible that I am also having a Long Covid episode. Make that quack, quack on the doc.
  9. The Kohn Kaen area people are able to irrigate their farm land as well. We built a retention pond for them a few years back and had it shaded somewhat with trees. Cost about 40,000. Not too sure how or if this is working out given the current heat wave.
  10. Well, we start our trip next Sunday. Given the lovely temps in Thailand at this time, we may well skip trekking around Wat Po and the Royal Palace. Really the first two days of our trip will be taken up by final prep for the visa interview and the interview itself. I plan on hitting the @lazarus restaurant recommendation and probably Asiatique one night. Other than that breakfast, pool time, and air conditioning sound appealing. 🙂
  11. Called Bangkok Bank this Morning. Credit Card and the transaction in question are now blocked. They are sending out a new card and it should be here in about a week. Only problem is that they had my old address for the credit card even though I had changed said address on the main account. For this reason they have to send the replacement card to my Jomtien Bangkok Bank Branch. Not a big deal. I need to stop by there for something anyway. hmmm - I see a vision of myself signing 25 pieces of paper. We are leaving for Bangkok next Sunday, so looks like I may be making that trip without a Thai Bank Credit Card. Note to self -> extra stop for THB at the ATM.
  12. I just (minutes ago) had an unusual transaction hit my Bangkok Bank Credit Card. It was for 0.03 GBP from a party I never heard of. I never have transactions against this card in anything but THB. I am very judicious in my use of this credit card, using it only for Lazada and a few restaurants. I run it (credit cards in Thailand are fixed deposit accounts) at a fairly low limit of 50,000. In all likelihood this is a typeo that occurred somewhere along the line by someone. Still discretion remains the better part of valor, so I will call Bangkok Bank tomorrow. Obviously my main concern is this might be a hacker attempt in order to set up something more nefarious. Also, just as an fyi, in checking this out tonight the Bangkok Bank Mobile App is throwing a lot of "connection unstable" messages. It is Saturday night.
  13. Not looking forward to next month's electric bill. Out here in the Bang Lamung South Suburbs we are pushing 40 most days lately. The pool water is closing in on 34. I hope those May rains start soon. The wife's family up in the Khon Kaen area are consistently hitting 40s.
  14. Here is something that I was not expecting to read about today. Kanye West is looking to launch a porn company. That alone is not all that weird, but he is looking to partner with Mike Moz who is Stormy Daniels ex. https://www.tmz.com/2024/04/23/kanye-west-launch-yeezy-porn-partner-stormy-daniels-ex-husband/
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