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Advanced Stage 5
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Everything posted by Trip

  1. I'm still pissed that Sizzler cut out the bleu cheese salad dressing after china plague.
  2. Maybe you're just a gaboresque value-consumer.
  3. Yeah, and you'll probably recall it wasn't too much earlier that the fare in Thailand was 500 Baht, the purple persuader. In PP where US dollars are more welcome than Cambodia script in the tourist areas they used to call the fare the Jackson.
  4. I agree and the insanity of it includes they pay, and often a lot to be put in considerable pain for the experience. I have a friend that had inevitable regrets about a 'sleeve' he put one arm through a couple of decades ago. Took him over a year to get it all inked, something like $5000 in cost. Fast forward 10 years and he's now paying more than $20,000 to get it all laser-etched/burned off and even then you can still see some of it.
  5. Looks ok. is there much equivalent to Thailand street food there, i.e., where you can get 100 Baht/$3 tasty meals?
  6. I know. It's one of his things. My take is that those tongue in cheek musings aren't that much more accurate than his regular dribble. I do like the photos though, even though he doesn't take those now either since he's seldom in Thailand.
  7. True, and then there's the fact that Stickman isn't now and hasn't been for years actually in Thailand. He gets his information from scouring fora and people with as suspect credibility as himself. But photos are good.
  8. That sausage seems to have inentions about dem eggs.
  9. yeah, and meanings can change with the passage of time. For example, I've always wondered if the feminists in #MeToo understand that to Boomers, # doesn't always mean hashtag but rather pound.
  10. Laab Moo Tod at Det 5 is a treat also. Goes well with the all day HH. Det 5 is a great way to chill in the hot afternoons in Bkk as you line up your prey for the evening.
  11. A friend's pre-teen daughter happens to like pearls. They often take beach vacations to look for them. One Christmas she told him she wanted a pearl necklace as a gift. He told her to go google and show him what types she preferred. Don't do that.
  12. I was on a recent long flight and saw both Oppenheimer and the 90-minute Documentary Oppenheimer the real story back-to-back. The movie was ok, but it was too long and just dragged at spots like delving into his balancing a girlfriend and crazy wife. OTOH, the Documentary at 90 minutes I found riveting as it went into details about Oppenheimer's ties to his mentor Neils Bohr and why Groves chose Oppenheimer to head the Manhattan Project and how it ended up in New Mexico. At the time Oppenheimer was black balled by Hoover/FBI for suspicion of being a communist sympathizer/agent but Groves went to Roosevelt and they over ruled Hoover. Groves said he knew in the first 5 minutes of meeting Oppenheimer that he was the only man for the job because he could condense nuclear physicist gobblygook into a few sentences of plain English so that Groves and others could understand the meaning and importance. Any way, here is a link to the Documentary free on YT
  13. Brick House is a well run and managed place. Those weekly specials are worth trying.
  14. Probably as most night life places by definition put their best face forward when the lights come on. Like all businesses time will tell if the punt will be a success but given the infinite competing choices to wet one's whistle in Pattaya; it's not looking like a good bet. It is different though, sort of like socialism for bars, everyone has to accept the same pricing, same music, etc.
  15. Nothing screams Vegas quite like a tin shack with dozens of miniature beer bars. Sure to be a rousing success ... not.
  16. Have you tried their 199 Baht weekly specials yet?
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