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Everything posted by forcebwithu

  1. Touch up work on the beach. Soi 15 progress report Pedestrian and those on two wheels path to get through the construction site. Traffic jam on Soi 15 at the entrance to The Grand and Centara. Closer to the Buakhao end a noise maker at work on a side soi off Soi 15.
  2. The Slutz sign is up at their new location on Soi Pothole. What once was Volare is now...
  3. They're back... the all too familiar orange construction barriers for the Beach Rd project to add a lane on the north end.
  4. Just back from my morning bike ride. I was going to take a picture of the gorilla, hopefully with some random lady next to it who didn't realize the sign above said "Sleep With Me" , but forgot. Have a few other snaps that I'll post shortly.
  5. When I take a shower before a massage, if I see a bottle of Listerine on the shelf it's usually a good indicator I'll be offered more than just a massage. That and packages of baby wipes on one the shelves in the shop.
  6. Just finished this one. Have to say it's not up to the usual standard of Sandford's previous books. He doesn't mention a ghost writer, but I wonder... The biggest plot hole I couldn't get past was the fact The Five are Bitcoin billionaires, but a big portion of the book has a sixth going from city to city to collect cash so she can disappear. Why on earth didn't she have a Bitcoin wallet which the billionaires could transfer money to. Of course if she did then there wouldn't be anything to write about. Another minor quibble is the author interjected politics into his writing that didn't do anything to further the plot, other than to get a few political digs in.
  7. To answer @john luke's question about accuracy, not very. Two hours later the above forecast now looks like this...
  8. I prefer the following weather.com link for a near term outlook on Pattaya weather. https://weather.com/weather/today/l/THXX0015:1:TH
  9. As long as you didn't hear the dentist asking "Is it safe" you should be fine.
  10. I-Rovers is showing no flooding around Billabong. I expect the Buakhao area to be the same as the rain, while not letting up, hasn't been all that heavy. https://i-rovers.com/cam-sports-schedule/
  11. Zoom in on the map to make it easy to spot Mabprachan, then click on its red dot. I also used Chrome's translate to English.
  12. Most movies I end up using FF to get through the boring bits quite a bit. Didn't FF once with this one. As you wrote, fast paced, well edited, well told story of the real event.
  13. Just finished watching Thirteen Lives. The director and actors did an outstanding job of portraying the 18 days and the efforts of thousands it took to bring the 12 children and their coach out alive. Just an amazing story.
  14. In HS we convinced one of our more gullible classmates that Asian women had vaginas that opened horizontally. Would have liked to be a fly on the wall when he found out the truth.
  15. Until the bank is notified of my demise, and I can't imagine the process being terribly efficient, she can still access and withdraw the money. The legality of doing so is something she'll have to deal with as at that point in time my interest in world affairs will be nil.
  16. In past years when we had normal rainy seasons I remember how wet Sept/Oct were, but come 1 Nov it was like a switch got thrown by the big guy in the sky and the rains all but ended.
  17. Best check with a lawyer to confirm. In my case she's on less tenuous ground as we're not married.
  18. Saw a post on another forum that according to Moulie the staff haven't been paid so they all up and left.
  19. An Asian girl in white, middle class America was a rarity. However one family had adopted a Korean girl that I was friends with in HS. Had a chance at a party to spend some alone time with her that only went as far as heavy petting, but I do have fond memories of how sensitive certain parts of her anatomy were. Ah, sweet memories of youth.
  20. We had a hash run yesterday and four of the 35 were a no shows due to the same symptoms. My co-hare had the same a week ago, but fortunately recovered in time to help set trail. Whatever it is, it is very infectious so you'll need to take appropriate precautions around your mother.
  21. It's been a wet afternoon in Pattaya with several thunderstorms moving through the area. I-Rovers cam has a live feed of the current flooding around Billabong. https://i-rovers.com/cam-sports-schedule/
  22. Something I've advised my lady on, that it would be illegal for her to withdraw funds on a joint account after my demise. Don't know if anyone would want to go through the time and expense of prosecuting her as the amounts would be relatively small. My work around to avoid probate is after my will in the US goes through probate and the funds released, my children will wire a sum to my lady to tide her over in her remaining years. Additionally I just recently had her open a bank account in her own name and she then gave me the ATM card and logon credentials for online banking. I then transferred most of my Thailand funds into that account and will transfer back to my personal accounts money as needed for month to month expenses. That way if I suddenly croak she has the bulk of my money free and clear of an legal hurdles. Doing the above has also given her peace of mind that, while not married, we'll be together for the long haul. After 10 years together she deserves that much and more.
  23. This guy is a great presenter and combines excellent engineering with 3D printing and electronics. What should appeal to our resident photo guys, @john luke, @lazarus and others into photography is the end result, a 35mm f/0.4 lens. If the engineering and build out of the lens isn't your thing, skip to 10:40 to view the end result. Amazing images he gets with the lens.
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