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Everything posted by andyajn

  1. Just hearing Larry talk about Thailand/Pattaya makes me want to get back there as soon as I can. It reminds me that almost anything is possible once you get there although I don't necessarily think I would want to live there.
  2. Having reminisced about Babydolls and Thai translators I feel the need for some translating. Damn I think I might have to go and find a Thai Translator this afternoon.
  3. Maybe an American Goldfinch but being from the other side of the pond I am fairly sure it's not what I would know as a Goldfinch.
  4. Larry I havn't missed Pattaya/Thailand too much until I see your girl pics, then I just want to up and visit ASAP. I'm sure you have thousands to draw on, keep them coming
  5. Talking of which, did I read somewhere that the Devil's Den has closed?
  6. Looks like its finally taken hold and it will probably take a complete shutdown with the absence of a vaccination rollout to curb the numbers.
  7. That's the reason I sold mine, 100miles a year if I was lucky. Although I am still tempted to buy another one, even if it's only a Lambretta or something to pootle about on locally in the summer.
  8. Doggy is the way to go.
  9. Those shower hats they always insist on wearing always make me laugh. One regular had a really old knackered one but she loved it for some reason.
  10. A certain Soi 7 influenced me a couple of times in Secrets and Babydolls with regards to my company for the night!
  11. I don't think they would like the cost of doing it properly
  12. Those prices are a bit rich for my blood. I paid £12:50 before lockdown for a No 4 on top and No 2 at the sides. Over lockdown I purchased some electric clippers and the misses has been doing it!
  13. Dangerous game that, I snapped my Achilles playing Babington a few years ago
  14. At least it stops them getting flies stuck in their teeth.
  15. Sounds like you had some interesting times when you were drinking!
  16. An uncle bought me £5 of bonds when I was born in 1961. Never won a penny!
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