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Everything posted by forcebwithu

  1. Sure hope we don't see Ukraine added to this map. Map Visualisation Shows Every Nuclear Detonation Since 1945
  2. One door closes, another one opens. Good to hear Moulie has found a place at Milk.
  3. Some good vocals. And the background eye candy is easy on the eyes too.
  4. The Dollhouse Darkside had their grand opening party last night. Debated whether to put it on the Darkside Bar Map, but as they advertise as a GC, and because I believe there will probably be more business owners that see an opportunity for GC's on the darkside decided to add it to the GC map. List of Pattaya gentlemen clubs and misc BJ/ST places currently included on the above map. There is also a separate tab that has a history of the updates to the map. If you know of new/renamed or closed bars, let me know so I can update the maps. If you can provide the GPS location and a pic, even better.
  5. Links worked for me when I used incognito mode in Chrome. It displays a log in message at the bottom of the screen, but can still view posts and see photos.
  6. Finished reading Infinite and thought it was a good read. Now reading Others and finding it a good read as well. Nice thing about series is I don't have to give much thought to what I'm going to read next, as long as the writing remains as good in subsequent books.
  7. Saw the following pics on the FB page for Pattaya's mayor (link). The drains pictured are at the intersection of 3rd Rd and Klang. With that much debris accumulated in the drains it's no surprise the flooding continues.
  8. That's what I tell my lady when I send her naked photos of me.
  9. Back a bit late from my morning bike ride as I got lured into a massage on my way home. But not before I remembered to snap a pic of your favorite gorilla. The rock he's on is about 50cm high and I estimate the gorilla's height at around 140cm. Now if there was a different part of his anatomy you were going to checkout the size of, I'll leave that to you.
  10. I stopped in at the new Boss Corner Bar on the corner of Soi 13 and Buakhao last night. I was hoping it would be another good place to sit with a drink and watch the world go by. While it is a good location, my SangSom and soda at 65B was pretty steep for a beer bar. Leo at 90B is also priced too high considering they're on the CC end of Buakhao. They were also pushy to have a lady sit with me. When I told the third one that approached me in the space of 5 minutes I prefer to sit alone she copped a bit of an attitude asking why I don't want a lady. Told her I'm the customer so up to me, and if she's not happy with that I can leave right now. Fortunately that was enough to shut down the LD hustle and I enjoyed the rest of my drink with no more interruptions. After I finished my drink at Corner Bar I went one soi farther south to Zero Bar's new location on Soi 19 and Buakhao. Staff are friendly without being pushy. That combined with reasonably priced drinks have made it my go to bar for early evening drinks and people watching.
  11. From: Incredible images from Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2022 as winners crowned
  12. Touch up work on the beach. Soi 15 progress report Pedestrian and those on two wheels path to get through the construction site. Traffic jam on Soi 15 at the entrance to The Grand and Centara. Closer to the Buakhao end a noise maker at work on a side soi off Soi 15.
  13. The Slutz sign is up at their new location on Soi Pothole. What once was Volare is now...
  14. They're back... the all too familiar orange construction barriers for the Beach Rd project to add a lane on the north end.
  15. Just back from my morning bike ride. I was going to take a picture of the gorilla, hopefully with some random lady next to it who didn't realize the sign above said "Sleep With Me" , but forgot. Have a few other snaps that I'll post shortly.
  16. When I take a shower before a massage, if I see a bottle of Listerine on the shelf it's usually a good indicator I'll be offered more than just a massage. That and packages of baby wipes on one the shelves in the shop.
  17. Just finished this one. Have to say it's not up to the usual standard of Sandford's previous books. He doesn't mention a ghost writer, but I wonder... The biggest plot hole I couldn't get past was the fact The Five are Bitcoin billionaires, but a big portion of the book has a sixth going from city to city to collect cash so she can disappear. Why on earth didn't she have a Bitcoin wallet which the billionaires could transfer money to. Of course if she did then there wouldn't be anything to write about. Another minor quibble is the author interjected politics into his writing that didn't do anything to further the plot, other than to get a few political digs in.
  18. To answer @john luke's question about accuracy, not very. Two hours later the above forecast now looks like this...
  19. I prefer the following weather.com link for a near term outlook on Pattaya weather. https://weather.com/weather/today/l/THXX0015:1:TH
  20. As long as you didn't hear the dentist asking "Is it safe" you should be fine.
  21. I-Rovers is showing no flooding around Billabong. I expect the Buakhao area to be the same as the rain, while not letting up, hasn't been all that heavy. https://i-rovers.com/cam-sports-schedule/
  22. Zoom in on the map to make it easy to spot Mabprachan, then click on its red dot. I also used Chrome's translate to English.
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