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Everything posted by Butch

  1. just seen this on flyertalk: (MS Powerpoint and pdf) http://thai.listedcompany.com/misc/PRESN/20200828-thai-public-presentation-en.pdf No mention of any internal issues though...mmm.. http://thai.listedcompany.com/newsroom/280820202105400168E.pdf
  2. Butch

    No more 747's?

    That poor old VC10 is in pretty bad shape apparently. Shame really, I can always remember it coming into Seeb as our Villa was under the approach vector , I can remember it being so much noisier than anything else , even the GF Tristars. I also loved watching the Tristars coming in at night, they had flashing lights everywhere!.
  3. Butch

    No more 747's?

    I think it was an early Satellite comms system, similar to Marisat. To be honest the passenger section wasn't really that plush, they were business class seats but no IFE, just a large cinema screen, but further forward was HM's area, totally off limits of course. He had 2 747Sp's, one was HM Qaboos' personal transport, and the other was for cargo / dignitaries / regular peasants like me. normally the route was London to Switzerland to Muscat, I got to fly on both of them because the first SP (with the bulge, the other one didn't have it) was in for D check at Cardiff once and I managed to grab a flight on it at short notice. In flight catering was bacon sandwiches and cheese and onion Walkers lol.
  4. BA retired G-CIVH recently, seems like all the carriers are intending and doing the same given the recent downturn. Big shame, I know we all have opinions on Airlines, but the 747 has been my best ever flight and worst ever one as well, best ever was on Sultan of Oman's 747SP (numerous times actually) and the absolute worst was SAA 747 where the seats were crammed in and it was an experience I'm not keen to repeat. I remember the EVA 747 Combi's, plus managed to get a biz class seat on one of them, upstairs. My first Thai flight was a 747 called "Phimara" HS-TGZ and although it was only 4 years old when I flew on it, hearing those GE's whine still brought a big smile to my face as I looked at Heathrow beneath us. I think the Cargo companies will still use them, but the phasing out of the 747 fleets by many carriers prematurely is a sad thing. Looking back I guess I felt the same way when Gulf Air ditched their Tristars, but you can't get in the way of progress.
  5. you're making me jealous. My view is currently grey clouds, rain and not much else 😞 Looks absolutely stunning. I'll tap you up for a few details when you get back, is the place kid friendly?.
  6. I've recently taken to listening to podcasts as a bit of background noise when I'm working, easy to plug in and despite a few adverts which can be scanned through, there is a massive range of subjects and things to tune into. The beauty of a podcast is that one moment you can listen to comedy, the next to conspiracy theories and after that, opnions on current affairs. I tend to listen on my phone rather than the PC with the google podcast player it had installed, Joe Rogan has some decent stuff, plus literally thousands of hours of content, but there's also a few learn thai / tagalog ones there, and the BBC also has some good Historical ones as well. Any of you gents have a suggestion which I might like or feel like sharing, be interested to hear.
  7. Getting back online after the guys digging up the road outside managed to knock the power out for a few hours. I was mid way in replying to @Thinkingallowed when everything went off. checked the RCB board, fine, checked all the trip switches ,all up, checked the outside wall main supply circuit, all good. Was going a bit loopy trying to work out what had happened when my neighbour knocked, we looked across the road and there were a few sheepish looking contractors making some calls...
  8. late to the discussion due to shifts this week. Can anyone give me an "idiots guide" to donating and who needs the fund the most please? Cash waiting.
  9. Indeed and it had a pattayalive cam on it as well. Just next to the escalator of Marine and Peppermint. If you looked closely BM Nightcrawler was a regular patron.
  10. Makes no odds, what if it were a pre requisite?.
  11. Best thing you can do Bro, you've already stepped up, it's up to her now with maybe a little bit of persuasion 🙂
  12. Each generation has it's identity eroded by way of changing historical normality. The BBC have the worlds best record for catering to minorities and deliberately upsetting anyone white and middle class, it's as if being British is an offense in todays society. I doubt a white middle aged male would get an interview with the BBC because they don't' "represent the true face of the multicultural Britain". Let them stop it, and when proms are empty next year they can blame everyone and label them racists with a self satisfied taxpayers grin on their smug faces. I remember people kicking off when it was not referred to as a "blackboard" in school but a "chalkboard". I also remember the banning of "baa baa black sheep" due to racist connotations. We've recently had left wing hand wringing liberal councils remove the word "Christmas" and replace it with "Winter festival". I remember the lefties celebrating when "golliwogs" were effectively banned. OK, so you can argue the deliberate misrepresentation of blacks in our society as charicatures (golliwogs) is pretty wrong. It is, there's really no place for that kind of stuff. That's coming from a former racist and 80's rent a thug. I had the lot, white T shirt, red braces, 12 hole tan Dr Martens (before the lesbians made them a fashion icon) and tight, marble bleached jeans. It was 1985, I was 15 and on the receiving end of numerous good hidings from our Jamaican colonial friends at the time. As time went on and the good hidings increased, I came to realise that racism works both ways. the problem was, I thought I was on the winning side. I may well have been, but I was actually on the wrong side. I haven't been with a white girl since 1990. I was with a Jamaican girl for 4 years and it was epic. I was welcomed into the family, given a free holiday, welcomed into the extended family and they remain friends up until this day. The relationship ended on good terms, but very suddenly and sadly.They were, up until meeting Mrs butch, the best years of my life and I actually felt ashamed of my previous actions. Here were black guys, people I'd been indoctrinated to hate, the same kind of guys who had given me a kicking, were offering me a beer, food, inviting me into their house, making me feel welcome and offering me genuine friendship. Talk about learning a lesson. i'm actually a better person now for being a hardcore racist in the past. Odd how things change isn't it? However, our view of racism today is possibly not as we , as a generation of 40+ year olds imagine it would be. It's not just about offenses against blacks, everyone and anyone is jumping on the racism bandwagon, to a point, even virtue signalling white people are doing it. It's about getting instagram likes, thumbs up on FB and a warm feeling of achievement and inclusion from online friends. The true meaning of racism has been devalued because the left have been using it as a weapon of choice to silence anyone with remotely opposite views to their own. That is the irony, as the word "racist" becomes a label, it loses it's shock value, it loses its effect and it loses its meaning, and the people affected most by it are those on the receiving end of it. Ironic eh? When "racism" stops being the buzz word of choice for the mealy mouthed Camden trendies, it will have already lost any value in society, and the Police will treat a race crime like rape, something to be put on the back burner, and that is the real tragedy here. The genuine victims of racism won't matter anymore, because the middle class liberals would have had their pound of flesh from the word and it's connotations, and will have moved onto the next discussion topic they can talk about over a smashed avacado and shrimp starter followed by foi gras and steamed purple broccoli in their 4 bedroom Camden townhouse.
  13. Props to your for stepping up and offering to give her a chance. Respect. I used to teach filipino kids basic English when we lived there, I then ended up running an evening class for the parents. One hour a day every couple of days is not much to give, I'm not saying you have to, but if you actually have the time, you could teach her some yourself. Start as you would teaching a young kid but with an adult approach. It is very difficult to start with but once they grasp the basics, it gets very rewarding.
  14. I take it he refuses most vaccines, medical science and the development of it does sometimes border on somewhat unethical practices in the past. Nazi experiments on hypothermia for example. bottom line, he is a hypocritical virtue signalling turd.
  15. Very sad news. I only met him once, we were among a group and sat next to each other in a GGB on LK Metro, chatted about all sorts of stuff while watching the girls. We since messaged a few times on here. A truly kind , generous and honest bloke with a big heart and a kind smile. A very sad loss. RIP Phil, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  16. I can't really understand all the hype about not getting vaccinated. I was vaccinated for TB, smallpox and Cholera when I was a kid, and given the choice (which I wasn't) , I was happy with the swollen arm for 2 days over my urine turning black and kidneys packing up, thus spending the rest of my life on dialysis. I've been vaccinated against Rabies. I'd rather have a swollen arm than foam at the mouth and experience hydrophobia and possibly death. Same goes for Hepa B and Hepa A. I'd rather have a swollen arm than...I think you get it by now. All, apart from the TB & Smallpox (polio was on a sugar lump) were voluntary, in many cases it cost me money. Smallpox was eradicated by a global vaccination programme, where were the anti vaxxers then? Where were the anti globalists, screaming about not taking on a vaccine that might make their brains explode if they read "catcher in the rye"?. Agreed, the financials due to private companies doing the R&D on this stuff offers a different angle, but if it were not for the big pharmas running the trials and looking for a vaccine, then C-19 might well be here for a lot longer and our freedoms would be restricted a lot more. Also, as C-19 is a relatively new disease (although coronavirus is not) there is still a great deal not known about it, especially the long term effects on health, for pretty obvious reasons. At the end of the day it is personal choice, but I'd probably take the opinion of world leading Epidemiologists who have spent their lives dedicated to observing the behavioural patterns of Viruses over some bloke on youtube telling me that the Govt want to control me through it while saying it's a massive conspiracy. Also, if the vaccine is 99.99999% harmless to people, watch them concentrate on the 0.00001% (which will still be a fairly big number if there's a few billion doses given out). Trust me, the Govt don't need a vaccine to control the populous, they're doing that pretty effectively at the moment without one. Ultimately, the vaccine will probably be no less harmful than eating a donut, the difference being I won't be able to get into Thailand or the Philippines with a donut in my passport in the future.
  17. Dalaman turkey. £20 for a Mcdonalds. Thieving wankers. Bombay International in 1995. Say no more. Utter utter dump of the highest order. Absolute shithole.
  18. Until the mandatory 14 day quarantine is scrapped, it's still going to remain a tough nut to crack. For some reason the PM seems to be very much against opening up the borders, plenty of speculation as to why this is the case, but none of it concrete. Another factor to consider is the current situation that is unfolding. This may or may not distract from the current pandemic scare, but it is certainly a development with some potentially serious consequences.
  19. Cop a dose of yellow fever then you might change your mind. Some are anti, some are pro, but some, possibly a majority are happy to sit in the middle and see results then make a decision based upon that. Life is always a balance , be it a risk assesment or working on probabilities. As long as it is presented as a choice then I have no issue, but if it is presented as a demand and mandatory, then we are going to have a problem. In Answer to your good question Baz: 1: yes. I have had C-19 and it's not nice. 2: Limited. I think that with a vaccination Cert it will allow entry but be one of the many criteria they will ask for, not least insurance deposit of maybe like Cambs, $3K. Good topic Baz, +1 from me mate.
  20. Samuris (incorrect spelling on part of the tuner due to a trademark issue) were all tuned by "Spike Anderson" to 190 BHP and beyond. They all had triple Carbs and a very well tuned head (matching manifolds whereby the exhaust and inlet ports are honed out and smoothed to exact measurements, along with some very specialised head work). I have already fully restored an early 70's Skyline Hakosuka which is sat in storage, I got it as an original 1 owner car and have deliberately kept it off the Register because it's not for sale at any price to anyone, regardless. There is someone very eager to buy it and might well make an appearance here. With regards to this particular 260, there's a very good reason he didn't post any engine pics, given that the one reason anyone wants to buy an SS is due entirely to the engine / suspension mods. The VIN tags match and it is the original chassis with a respectable amount of corrosion to go with it. Suspension mods remain intact. However, I walked away from this sale for a very good reason, and it was not because I don't have 30 grand to spend, but it's because I don't have 30 grand to waste.
  21. Last thing you want is an assault charge pending when you're looking for a different job mate, just get the Cleaner to make a sexual harassment charge against him, say you saw him touch her inappropriately and share the compo. Otherwise, say he made sexual advances towards you while you were both in the toilets, he should get immediately suspended while investigation goes on, plus with any luck it'll get back to his Mrs and cause domestic grief. Your word against his, but if you can a mate on side even better. Depending upon your companies drugs policy, plant some weed in his bag then suggest to someone that he might be dealing on the premises. If setting up is not your thing, get his mobile number and put it on gumtree advertising unwanted homosexual jazz mags. Better still, set up an FB account , put his number on it along with some ahem..."extreme right wing" views on race . You could even post his number on Craigslist via and anonymous advert offering "gloryhole services for free" at his home address. Plenty of ways when you put your mind to it.
  22. There used to be a rumour going around about beer in India which the level would drop in the sealed bottle over a period of weeks due to the ethanol added to it absorbing the water! Not sure if true, whenever I was in Bombay I would always avoid booze like the plague, having the runs was bad enough.
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