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Discussion on Political uncertainty and our forum.. ( Thailand)

tommy dee

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  • tommy dee pinned this topic
  • 1 month later...

Fair comment and taken on board .

I've just re read the forum rules and will be conscious of them in the future.

Question though re copyright Tommy, If we post a google map ref or google image ref, do we still need to credit google as the source?. I've done so in my "oxygen pattaya" topic just to cover myself.



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naah, i thin G Maps is pretty well known

our biggerst issue is that the lower levels are visible to the public, and so we have to moderate that .  other levels are not and as the cut and paste p takers have melted away, we dont seem to get too many issues there.  the politics threads are almost a free for all, which they were intended to be, to devoid the other levels of politics.  that was Lanza's idea.  It seems to have worked 



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