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Advanced Stage 5
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Everything posted by john1000

  1. One thing about your post, you seem to have a very realistic view of the future and prioritise health and finance. Which IMO, are the two most important factors as we near retirement. Good luck.
  2. https://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2020/11/02/black-actor-turner-smith-to-play-english-queen-anne-boleyn-in-new-drama.html
  3. Firestick/Nvidea Shield are supposed to be the pick of the bunch. These vids may help.
  4. Grim reading. Hope something positive can happen in his future.
  5. Factor in the quantitative easing pound will continue to slide.
  6. Try Peacock from Google play store and use a VPN set to the US. This lady is quite good. All her recommendations can be used on Android devices.
  7. Typical put mine on for the first time last night. Nothing. HW is OK. Engineer due tomorrow. There goes the bank balance.
  8. About to try and paint bathroom tiles....🥶 Apparently, I have read its fairly easy and will look as good as new tiles. Not convinced and could be a mood changer.
  9. I have a Nvidea Shield box which is superb and set to auto update. The content has very high resolution 4k and many streaming services including everything a TV or Firestick has and more. The Minix was excellent in its day, but as commented here, it became outdated quickly when Minix upped their model range, and stopped firmware upgrades. Thus many new apps simply wouldn't work.
  10. Indeed that is sad. Peoples lives and plans for the future gone. Doesn't help that so much about which turn the virus will take is unknown.
  11. Agree. Live and let live. World is made up of 100% weirdos. Who are we to say who or what is normal behaviour.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hcv_9eG-vYo
  13. Just a thought. The sound may be split according to your settings e.g. 5.1, DTS, etc..Set to mono it will work, and then switch to stereo.
  14. Very honest post by the OP. Environment can help sometimes, and meeting a nice lady also but deep down you have to be content if not happy. ( Nobody can be happy all the time ) I am a great believer in gut reaction and like you I see Thailand now as a visitor nothing else. The way many Thais view Farang, especially in Pattaya can get to you over a period of time. You get the way it works after a time and for me, no amount of booze, women and sun ( Pinocchio's world ) is a genuine replacement for friends and family and the activities I enjoy in the UK. Now not a brilliant time in the UK but elsewhere much the same if not worse.
  15. Maybe the online world is growing exponentially?
  16. Its a man thing. You can be with the best girl in the world but the draw of something different ( especially if your in an environment where this is ready available ) can be irresistible. Many will take the moral high ground and point the finger, but you could also say it keeps your current relationship from becoming bland. Cromwellian Christian beliefs are drummed into us at an early age creating a guilty conscious.
  17. A friend who chose to live in Thailand told me, in the UK he exists while in Thailand he lives. Weather, expense, and the friendly nature of people around him gives him a feel good factor. For me I see Thailand as a break mainly because, I have problems with the heat. I actually don't mind the cold...strange but true.
  18. I have two Ebikes. Reise and Muller. Both excellent and with the hills where I live in Stroud it makes an enormous difference. Three hours to charge and range of 50 miles. It does make you fit because you can choose the level of assistance. For some older folk with physical issues it makes the difference of getting out in the fresh air, or being marooned in a house.
  19. Even if Alex is not there, chance if you are a regular, may meet someone you know for a chinwag. There again same for any regular watering hole I guess.
  20. Not yet. Decorating at the moment so active. But find late November can get that penetrating cold. Have vivid memories growing up when my mum used to light the coal fire and use a blanket to make it draw.
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