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Health Insurance for my Thai wifey


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Can anyone recco a health insurance provider/broker ? I've just had a lookie using google and Aetna came up which is the old Bupa a company i am very familiar with having held private healthcare through my employer in the UK, trouble is their Thailand cover only provides 16K per night of ICU treatment when i am informed by local private hospitals that the costs range from 30K - 50K per night, not a lot of good ehh ?   

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51 minutes ago, Pumpuynarak said:

Can anyone recco a health insurance provider/broker ? I've just had a lookie using google and Aetna came up which is the old Bupa a company i am very familiar with having held private healthcare through my employer in the UK, trouble is their Thailand cover only provides 16K per night of ICU treatment when i am informed by local private hospitals that the costs range from 30K - 50K per night, not a lot of good ehh ?   

She is probably better doing a Google search in Thai as she will get more hits that are suitable for a Thai national. An English language Google search will return mostly information aimed at westerners. 

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Some options to assist you....

1.  Contact/ visit your local bank that you use...or any bank.....as they also deal in Insurance or are agents for Insurance Companies.

2.  If you have house and/or car insurance...contact that company. If they do not do medical cover.. they will probably be agents for companies that do.

3.  Contact but preferably go to the hospital that you use and talk with their service office. They will have a list of Insurance Companies that will offer cover and more importantly will tell you which ones that they accept and deal direct with which will be easier on you if admittance to hospital is needed.


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On 10/9/2020 at 10:52 PM, Yessongs said:

Wifey got me Health Insurance through " AIA" Cliff.  Have not had to use it at all except a yearly Physical I get.....Phayathai Hospital is the one I use. 




1 hour ago, KWA said:

Pacific Cross.  They have a good calculator online allowing you to select different packages and compare cover/cost etc IIRC.

TFP guys, i've had a lookie at the above and it appears Pacific Cross do offer a wide range of cover at competitive premiums. Question - Is it worth getting "outpatient" cover and what is considered as an acceptable level of "max claim/sum insured" in Thailand ? 

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21 minutes ago, Pumpuynarak said:

TFP guys, i've had a lookie at the above and it appears Pacific Cross do offer a wide range of cover at competitive premiums. Question - Is it worth getting "outpatient" cover and what is considered as an acceptable level of "max claim/sum insured" in Thailand ? 

I never took outpatients cover and went for something under a million baht.  For me it was really for peace of mind when my travel insurance expired that I had something in place.  If/when I renew it I might up it a bit to meet the requirements for returning to Thailand if they're still in place, but that's not an issue for your missus.

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1 hour ago, KWA said:

I never took outpatients cover and went for something under a million baht.  For me it was really for peace of mind when my travel insurance expired that I had something in place.  If/when I renew it I might up it a bit to meet the requirements for returning to Thailand if they're still in place, but that's not an issue for your missus.

Buying health insurance is a somewhat individual thing, you buy what meets your needs imo. I'm concerned that with no outpatient cover what would happen if you had say cancer and had regular treatment outpatient appointments.

Maybe a question for the company to answer.   

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5 minutes ago, Pumpuynarak said:

I'm concerned that with no outpatient cover what would happen if you had say cancer and had regular treatment outpatient appointments.

Easy for me, I'd be back to the UK in a flash.  If Thailand is home then that's a different matter so yes, speaking to them is probably required.

You made me curious though so I've just looked up my broker's web site and this is part of the response to one of the FAQs, so getting clarification is a must I think.


Please note that the definition of Inpatient care might differ amongst insurance companies. It therefore does not always mean an overnight stay. Sometimes being assigned to a hospital bed for a certain amount of time will qualify as inpatient care.


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Just a note to say I also was with Pacific Cross for a few years before I left Thailand, I found their packages well worth the cost and I got just what I needed.  My daughter was also insured, she was added to my package for free.   Had I stayed in Thailand I would have added my wife to the package.

They were friendly, professional and compared to the competition they offered a good deal.

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Had a lookie guys with Pacific Prime who i assume are a broker/agent. The Pacific Cross policy offering 3M max cover inpatient/outpatient with a 40K deductable at 2373bht per month looks ok. I'll be contacting them with my list of questions that need to be fully answered and then put in writing to me before i effect the said policy, having spent 25 years of my working life in the insurance business i think i know the questions to ask lol



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3 minutes ago, Jambo said:

Thai's don't need health insurance.

It is the same as them having a car and never ever having it serviced. They dangle something off the interior mirror and have some prayer tat on the back of their neck. For comprehensive cover they have an additional prayer painted on the inside roof of the car. Much cheaper than health/Motor insurance and covers not breaking down as well.

Wifey's moved on from those days, perhaps my realistic farang attitude to life is reaping rewards lol

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On 10/15/2020 at 7:41 PM, Pumpuynarak said:

Thats a given mate for lots of reasons, No 1 being wifey has FA other than what i give her lol

She’s got a hell of a lot more than what you gave her.Ive seen the pics.🍆🍆🍆🍆🤣🤣🤣🤣

Fucking smoke show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm looking at Pacific Cross now. Going back and forth on the costs and coverage. They laid on the pre-exisiting exclusions pretty heavy and I'm not very pleased with it. I might go with a lesser comprehensive plan or a higher deductible.


The plans they are coming out with now should all be good for post covid laws and they will register you themselves with all the authorities, provide covid coverage, vison and dental all in one package - supposedly.

I just have the fear of having a heart attack and getting to the hospital and them telling me I ain't covered.... pisses me off.

Why pay for higher coverage on a gold plated policy when chance are they are going to come back on you and say they won't be able to cover it. I asked if they can provide supplements to cover the pre-existing stuff but they say no-way Jose.

Edited by Glasseye
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2 hours ago, Glasseye said:

They laid on the pre-exisiting exclusions pretty heavy

Thats why i won't be purchasing ANY health insurance, with type 2 diabetes just about any complaint i'm likely to suffer can be attributed to it and therefore no cover. In wifey's case she's young, as fit as a fiddle, works out everyday, non smoker, rarely drinks, eats a healthy diet no junk food, hang on a minute do i really need to be getting insurance for her lol

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On 10/26/2020 at 7:08 AM, Pumpuynarak said:

Thats why i won't be purchasing ANY health insurance, with type 2 diabetes just about any complaint i'm likely to suffer can be attributed to it and therefore no cover. In wifey's case she's young, as fit as a fiddle, works out everyday, non smoker, rarely drinks, eats a healthy diet no junk food, hang on a minute do i really need to be getting insurance for her lol

Yep.... the more I'm looking at this the less appealing it seem. I may go the low ball approach just to have something, + they throw in "accident" insurance. I have a hatred for insurance companies. Almost as strong as my disgust for banks (don't get me going on that one.... lol)


I would think for a Thai National (especially younger and healthy) that you could find a good, affordable supplement policy that works in conjunction with the National plan that I would hope she has. It would insure that she has options and would get a better level of care and quality of room. If I was married I'd be on that like flies on Mike Pence's hair.

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  • 2 years later...

Has anyone actually got Pacific Cross Health Insurance cover that they have actually made a claim on or do you know of anyone who has ?, if so can you enlighten me as to your experience or anyone else ?

I'd like to be informed of policyholders claims experience. TIA guys.  

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1 hour ago, Pumpuynarak said:

Has anyone actually got Pacific Cross Health Insurance cover that they have actually made a claim on or do you know of anyone who has ?, if so can you enlighten me as to your experience or anyone else ?

I'd like to be informed of policyholders claims experience. TIA guys.  

Not that I keep up with health insurance...But Pacific Cross is the ONLY private insurance in Thailand that people seem happy with....

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