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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/2022 in all areas

  1. So, here’s the situation. I will not make any apologies for my own personal views or my language during the running of this thread. I have some very strong opinions about this invasion! I am in Kyiv right now. Locked down tight in my hotel. Not allowed in the streets at all. Russian soldiers are in the north of the city in the Obolon district, which is around 4 miles away from me. We had 4 evacuations into the bomb shelter last night. You can’t see or hear the cruise missiles, but I could certainly hear the AA firing and hear the sound of explosions from the cruise missiles hitting their targets! it’s a shit show of the highest standard! There isn’t a chance that Ukrainian armed forces can hold out against the Russian aggression, but we hope and pray they do! Putin Huylo!!! Glory to Ukraine, Glory to the Heroes!
    13 points
  2. I guess the same could be said about me. I don't walk around introducing myself as Lirchenfeld from this or that board. Not because I am radically different in real than what I am on board - at least I don't think so - I leave it to others judge me, and frankly I don't care how others percieve me. I value my privacy dearly, and I prefer to walk around just as me, anonymously as possible. In my daily life I have enough of worrying and beeing dependent on my employees, and them being dependent on me. Going to Thailand is purely about relaxing and only worrying about myself - "me time" i think it is called with a modern word. I think I only ever once introduced myself as Lirchenfeld in Pattaya. It was at some sort of photoshoot event at secrets in july 2014 when Egg was working there. As far as i know he doesn't remember - which I am quite happy about. Back in the early 00's before I came to Thailand, I was in AC a few times (before it got ruined by casinos and no nudity in bars) and I was a member of a internet forum about AC. It was run by an english(?) guy who also had a small buzzing travelling agency in AC. The forum was a pay forum, but if you where in AC and met the guy he would upgrade you so you would get access for free. I walked pass his shop many times, but I never went in, I didn't see any reason. Morale of the story: If any of you ever get to meet me and know who I am, consider yourself extremely lucky. Make no mistakes, I love and cherish every single one of you on the board.
    10 points
  3. Lasagne and chips in the Sportsman soi 13.
    8 points
  4. Salad with shrimp. mango, raspberries and baby spinach: I followed that with coconut battered shrimp (oven baked) on cilantro rice with mango dipping sauce: Evil
    8 points
  5. Wandered to Walking Street about 9pm tonight. I went into nowhere. Apologies if any of this has been posted anywhere before.... It's not Walking Street, traffic is making its way easily along it. Motorbikes parked on both sides. There's next to no foot traffic to hinder the vehicles. ATQ test stations seen at the first place on the left (?Stone house?), and outside the night club 100 yards beyond Soi Diamond on the sea side (?Candy something?). Both of these places had people in, and appeared busy. No idea if the ATQ test was compulsory or not. Various gogos were open, no dancing, no music audible outside. They had hello girls trying to get customers on their phones, er, entice customers inside, but when I peered in through the open doors customers appeared few and far between. No dancing seen anywhere. Please bear in mind these pics are from my phone, and seem to pic up light that just isn't there. The 100meters by soi diamond were bright ish/est, but still gloomy...
    7 points
  6. Wifey's birthday so she took some mates for a nosh in London's Chinatown then came back & did me some wonderful beef panang.
    6 points
  7. My buddy Jim and I met GGL one time, did a go go crawl with him and dinner one evening. He was straightforward with his "philosophies" and beliefs about life in Pattaya. He was cool with us for sure..no problems, he knew alot of people in the go go's. He introduced me to this gal at "Beach Club" The rest is history. She was a good evening.
    5 points
  8. Meat Loaf. The hack I use to get a good loaf shape is to pack it in a greased loaf pan and cook it upside down on a rack so the grease can drain out for 30 minutes. By then its set and I shake it out on the rack to finish cooking and crisp up the outside.
    5 points
  9. 3 minute noodles tarted up with pork balls.
    5 points
  10. @Yessongs average night in Thailand when he's taking it easy!
    4 points
  11. If only, Uber cancelled all their cars!! LOL The family have all escaped off back to their home town, which is 9 hours away, and left me to fend for myself! lol Fingers crossed, I have a bus to the Polish border booked for Sunday, but a lot of factors have to come into play before I can safely cross the border!
    4 points
  12. This was top notch. 3.5% pale ale was a perfect companion 🤤
    4 points
  13. Peppered ribeye steak, pan fried homemade chips and baked beans
    4 points
  14. Should be bottom of both leagues shortly. Objective achieved.🤣
    4 points
  15. Don't know, they both have been in the oven recently.🤣
    4 points
  16. I'm so sorry that you, your family and everybody else is in this situation. I wish you the very best of luck. Now that you are alone, you have to concentrate on your own survival. Everybody that I know that was killed in conflict dropped their guard. You have to continually think "Am I in the safest part of the room, shelter, underground car park?" Stand by the support pillars not in the open. Block windows using the night curtains, a mattress and anything heavy that you can move. Sleep under the bed, under a table, under the dressing table. @Krapow would have been taught all this even at infants school (my sons were too!) Barring a missile with a direct hit, your main concern should be flying or falling debris - especially glass. I won't say more but just repeat .. Good luck and stay safe.
    3 points
  17. Using up the last of the shrimp with shrimp and Spanish rice on a tortilla, with sour cream and guacamole on the side.
    3 points
  18. Beach Rd ..late afternoon........ Terrible all that effort and envelopes with drainage and the people of Pattaya are left with this..scandalous.... The old sand dredge has returned or parked up.........
    3 points
  19. Sounds like a horrendous situation Whilst the UK Foreign Office is advising British Nationals to flee the country when safe to do so, it is not that easy. Massive traffic queues heading for boarders,mostly Ukrainians and also cash points either not working or out of money. With Martial Law imposed along with curfews ,you must feel really trapped. I understand that the British Consul has moved out of the Capital as well. What made you return during the build up of tensions before the invasion? Not an enviable situation to be in right now for you. Keep us posted. Thanks for the "on the ground" report and stay safe and hopefully not too long before you can return home
    3 points
  20. We did some work on the electronics for Ferrari and when one guy was in the factory and came across a non-red vehicle his host looked down his nose and said "That is not a Ferrari". Old school employee that maintained red was the only real colour for them.
    3 points
  21. He called into Le Pub at the weekend whilst I was there. Still in good shape for an oldie.
    3 points
  22. Jambo eggs on wheat toast, pineapple, banana, OJ...
    3 points
  23. Same with Ducati bikes, they only look right in red. It's their true colour.
    2 points
  24. It would be like opening a Pandora's box of stunning Thai girls. In fact, that's what was in the briefcase in "Pulp Fiction" - @Yessongs pictorial adventures in Thialand lol. Enough wanking material to last the average male four and a half thousand years. Edited just now by Butch
    2 points
  25. Parked on red, naughty naughty....... " But Officer, i could not park on the footpath as the scooter and massage sign are taking up my space"
    2 points
  26. Waiting to board a plane at Swampy. Looks to be on time, so all's well so far!
    2 points
  27. This is where I think the full stop should be! I hope you both enjoyed her birthday. The food and wine looks delicious!
    2 points
  28. Me too, I just didn’t want to upset any pre-conceived notion that age didn’t matter
    2 points
  29. Oh yeah those threads…..my first trip was at 32, I’ll put this debate to rest once and for all to make everyone happy…… Older guys are more hansum and pay less
    2 points
  30. Nice ! You may want to throw some mud fenders on that baby, or you'll have massive shit stains running down your backside... lol
    2 points
  31. I have loads of of pics and videos of before, during and after the restorations taken by the guys who did the work, which took over a year on each.😟 They’re in an old laptop somewhere, I’ll see if I can find them. 👌
    2 points
  32. @roomark@lazarus@Glasseye Thanks for the inputs gentlemen, would love if when we all get back to LOS, we could all meet for a week or so in Phuket. Let's face it, we are not getting any younger for sure ( speak for myself) but need a trip there. Last trip for me was Jan 2016, the final tour LOL! A few pics from that last adventure...have posted these before. Fun to look at while wifey is making breakfast 😆
    2 points
  33. He was actually fun to wind up, he would always take the bait, his ego just couldn’t help it. 😀
    2 points
  34. Just put a deposit down on an e bike , delivering 3/4 weeks
    2 points
  35. 60th anniversary of the creation of my all-time favourite car, the Ferrari GTO - love the colour of this example:
    2 points
  36. As far as I know, no one on any of the Pattaya boards has ever met Changfai in person, so it's impossible to say what he is like in real life. But he certainly displayed extreme aggression in his posts on Secrets. I realize there's sometimes a fine and not always clear line between acceptable banter and insults, but Changfai placed himself on the wrong side of that line. There was nothing friendly or funny about his posts aimed at other members; his only intention was to hurt and insult in the hopes of disrupting the board and driving members away. Who knows why? Maybe he's a psycho loner IRL, but most likely it's because disrupting an Internet forum gives him a sense of power. On Secrets, he used to mercilessly stalk the BM who used the handle GoGoLover. It was pathetic. Mega-trolls like Changfai; Budapest Baggins (Pattaya's most evil-minded hobbit); and the Canadian whose hair is black always have numerous handles. Mostly they use them for lurking, but occasionally they'll allow the extra handles out from under their cyber bridges and onto the forums. Nowadays multi-handle trolls get caught by the Mods quickly if they start to post. But as long as they refrain from the type of comments that got them tossed off other boards, I don't see any harm in letting them lurk at the lowest board level. Changfai, Gabor! Evil
    2 points
  37. I can see that some people might like it, but I really don't want that option, the old system worked fine for me and I knew TW couldn't be collecting my banking details. For all their talk about end-to-end encryption keeping you safe, I feel much safer with a physical barrier between us.
    2 points
  38. I know, Just fantastice. A tribute to the people of Ukraine. And.... F@#K Putin !
    1 point
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