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  2. I believe fire escape blockages at Jomtein were issues as well. A holiday rental in one of the highrise condos from time to time are tempting, but only briefly.
  3. How'd you like to run into those two guys in a dark alley pissed out of your mind.
  4. Today
  5. I recently posted a story about staying in that place a few years back. I learned about the fire after I had booked. A few weeks back I stayed in a place in Hua Hinn for about a week. I was on the seventh floor. I had a look at the fire stairwell that was nearest to my room. The thing was blocked ! I nicely pitched a bitch with the management. Of course they didn't do jack.
  6. Looks like it should have been stopped in the 9th ...
  7. The thing about insurance (especially health related) is that things are changing so rapidly. A.I. and tech gives the companies massive access to data. What used to be a standard generalization a few years ago may not be the practice/policy now. Companies also change internally as do laws. I update things with my insurance guy every few months. I will be seeing him in a couple of weeks and have a list of questions for him. I understand there are exemptions and notification expectations, etc. But a level of reasonableness should be expected. I understand the aspect of the consumer having "skin in the game" (co-pays, deductables, etc.). What folks need to focus on are the laws related and the track record and financial condition of there insurer. Don't assume that just because a company has a big brand name that they are good. And don't count on any one source of information/advice. Multiple sources are needed to make sound decisions or you may find yourself with just your dick in your hand. Also it is wise to have an advocate or legal rep. on your side and with the proper documents to back you up. If you have that set up in advance it can really make a huge difference and enable more peace of mind. Insurance companies bank on screwing people who haven't done their homework. When they pick up the phone and hear lawyer talk it is a complete different ballgame. I used to get a kick out of Allstate Insurance companies slogan... "You're in good hands with Allstate" Yeah, sure. You are in their hands alright, with a dick up your ass. People need to review, update and learn about their coverage. Don't assume anything with these fcuking insurance companies. Find a good agent and ask a lot of questions, familiarize yourself with the related laws and current practices. The entire system is a fcuking circus, don't be a clown under the big tent. For those who are here full time, pick up a basic personal accident policy or two. They are relatively cheap. When you think about it the odds you may end up in the hosptal because of an accident is fairly high. The policies cover you for just about any kind of accident (not necessarily car or motorbike).
  8. In some cases that I definitely know about are Farang bosses insisting that they "own" the girl outside of business hours too, so some will purposely ignore you in case somebody tells the boss that she is meeting customers outside.... I think turning her back was a clear message not to talk to her and by doing so probably was showing you some respect for recognising her .. I used to get it with a few girls that I knew very well as neighbours but would ignore me when out ..
  9. Girls on phones in beer bars when I've finished my drink and I'm in desperate need of another. Not so much ignoring, more distracted in that case perhaps. One thing that really really grinds my gears is when you see a familiar girl from a bar whom you may have got drinks for before and have spoken to, and she totally blanks you in the street or wherever. Some of these queens are very much up themselves. I had it happen in Bukhao market once, said "hello" , she looked at me then turned her back. On the flipside of that though, I was sat in the Marquee bar one afternoon pre covid when the ladyboy from LK Royal Wing wandered past, saw me, and without any kind of an invite came over and sat down on my table, ordered a beer and had a good chat (she was making her way to LK Metropole for the second half of her shift and decided she was thirsty lol). She then slapped 100 baht down on the table (I gave it back), said goodbye and left.
  10. Just had a look at their FB page and no activity since 3 March. Seems to be another business idea that never took off.
  11. To be honest mate, the current Orangery is located in the East wing, too far for my servants to walk from the kitchens. lol. I do however, have a greenhouse which has now got me a thinking...
  12. This is another great ballad of theirs I love.
  13. Worth noting that when my renewal comes up the question is asked if I've had any hospital visits or am on any new long term medications within the last year. However, this policy (Allianz) is from my employers, so that might have a bearing on things. I get a 3 page questionnaire to fill out every September.
  14. Usyk was the clear winner, was the correct decision, thanks f**k!
  15. Can nobody afford a new car round your way John?
  16. DK Beer Town as of today. Not much changed since the last pics as far as I can tell.
  17. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was a political decision out of sympathy for the war. Didn’t watch it so can’t give an opinion on the fight.
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