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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2020 in Posts

  1. A couple of weeks ago on a Friday morning, I discovered a large lump in the back of my throat. Hadn’t felt anything wrong there before,(maybe because of the high doses of morphine I take daily) but I filled in an online E-Consult with my GP surgery, giving details as requested. Later that day, I got a call from my GP asking me to come in within the hour and he’d see me. So open wide and say Aah and he said “ I don’t like the look of that, plus you have another one further down behind your tongue”. Gulp😟 He then said “I’m going to fast track you too the cancer clinic” and he duly filled in the online referral form to a specialist ENT cancer unit in a hospital in Poole. The following Monday morning at 8.30 am, I got a call on my mobile from a ENT Consultant Oncologist in my Local County Hospital, asking for details. Details duly given, he then said “can you be here at 10.30 am and I’ll take a look. So off I went, (quietly shitting myself) for the appointment. Open wide and say Aah again. “I don’t like the look of those lumps” he said. I said I’d heard that before. ☹️ Out came his Moblie phone and he took a photo of what was lurking back there. “I’m going to email the pictures to another Consultant Oncologist friend of mine in London and knowing him, he’ll get right back to me, in the meantime I’m sending you for a full body MRI Scan, because I don’t like the look of those lumps. There’s that short, ass puckering statement again. “Stop saying that” said I. Off to the imaging dept and had an MRI with contrast, then told to go back to see the consultant in an hour, when the report will be ready on the MRI images. I’d had a full MRI Scan a few months earlier for observations on “Nodules” in my lungs, so they were comparing the two scans for any new growths in my lungs or neck, looking for signs of a primary cancer.😰 Only difference in the 2 scans was the 2 bleeding black/red lumps in my throat. Whilst I was sat with the consultant, his oncologist friend in London phoned and said he “felt the lumps were old, burst, Retaining Cysts” (blocked saliva glands) and the MRI would probably show no invasion of deep tissue, which the scan results later confirmed. So, I went from shitting bricks, to happy as a pig in 💩 instead. 🤗 Just to be sure, a couple of biopsies were taken from the lumps for confirmation of the diagnosis and I was told I would have the results by phone in a couple of days. True to his word, the consultant phoned me 4 days later to confirm the lumps weren’t cancerous, but that it was best I had seen him, just in case, because he “didn’t like the look of them”. f**k off. 😉 So, despite the chaos of Covid in hospitals and many people having cancer and other treatments cancelled, it only took a few days from first seeing my Gp to having all the diagnostic tests and being given a full diagnoses, using the fast track system. I don’t think I could have had this done any quicker, even if I’d gone private. Thank heavens for the NHS and all those that work for it. 🤗👍
    7 points
  2. Good point spice. Now these girls have realised they don't even have to sit and speak with a fat, smelly farang to get a ladydrink. All they have to do is go on paypal and shake their arse and some mongloid in Manchester will send her 500b. Like you say, this could end up becoming the new norm. Just like ridiculous barfines for 'showgirls' and double ladydrinks on soi cowboy. Only people that do it are the idiots that believe flowers and NWG marketing, ''you're helping a girl feed her family''. Helping a brass feed her ice habit more like it, while NWG cream 80% of the money. However, to each their own, sender's will send, they always do.
    7 points
  3. Doesn’t change my life one bit. In fact,if there wasn’t any mention of it,I wouldn’t know,hence,wouldn’t care. Who’s to say what’s right? Not me,that’s for sure.I still enjoy buying drinks in person as well.And it doesn't in the least detract from my ability to feed my family.🤷‍♂️ I always found it weird,blokes telling other blokes how they should best spend the money that they earned. I’ve always been the guy that says “good for you”,to guys spending their own money in the manner they choose.
    6 points
  4. When are we going to safeguard the old and those with "underlying" health issues and let the rest of us get on with it. It seems as if a lot of us will get it and not know, some will get a bit ill, some will be hospitalized and a very small percentage will not make it. I'll take my chance same as I do with flu, cancer, crossing the road etc.
    4 points
  5. That escalated quickly... lol I don't care who sends and who doesn't, just don't be surprised if they're drinking water while you are bashing one out behind your PC in your basement. For the bars though its a good way to survive in these difficult times so kudos on them trying to make some money.
    4 points
  6. Problem is it's setting a new precedent, that will become the "new standard". Same as the ping pong balls stupidity and silly prices.
    4 points
  7. The area on Pattaya Klang where paddy Bar was........looking towards the Klang..... Looks like Buzz bars called it a day.... A quick look halfway down Soi 7..... Soi Buakhao every day market... And opposite.......
    3 points
  8. the arse end of the forum is complx, noit difficult to be fair but full of stuff that you would be scared to touch. bit like a library and u have to find the right page of the right book 🙂 these updates were needed and not doing them just causes the forum to slow slightly. but when you do the updates, it messes a few thigs up. think sorted now now back to the tit pics on level 8 😉
    3 points
  9. Dimwits... Is there anything more dim-witted than sending money to a buy a prostitute in bar thousands of miles away a shot glass of water. 😂
    3 points
  10. No- that's what the Champions League is meant for. This isn't sport, it's creating a cartel
    3 points
  11. They pay more for a double act ............ I'm trying to persuade Larry but he's gone AWOL. Got a great story for him from yesterday in Bradford. Mr Mohammed etc fucking chickens while his wife was banging the dog filming it all and other stuff ...he got 3 years behind bars. Not sure what the chickens got ........ times are sure tough Mr Smooth ....
    2 points
  12. I remember discussing this car with you in Pattaya, and gated shifter or not I am still green with envy - I am a lifelong Ferrari fan but the only time I have ever been in or driven one was in Las Vegas on a race track where I rented an F430 for a few laps - I would kill for a ride or drive in a classic model from the '60s but with the "collectors" (better term "speculators") driving their values sky-high that wish gets more remote as time goes by - one of the prices I've paid for living in a remote area during my lifetime.
    2 points
  13. Good news https://www.skysports.com/cricket/news/12123/12110326/england-to-begin-white-ball-tour-of-south-africa-in-november
    2 points
  14. Because that's not what the owners of the "top" clubs want , they want to create something where they are guaranteed a return ... there's nothing wrong with the Champions League , but the big clubs aren't guaranteed to be there ... it's all about money Salary caps just mean more money for the owners , it won't help support the game itself if a Super League is formed , that will take away sponsorship and audiences away from the domestic leagues and you will see lots of smaller teams going bust
    2 points
  15. Vegetable Yellow Curry , with brown rice
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Well there is nothing wrong in what you say but I am not telling anybody how to spend their money, it is just an opinion on a forum. Doesn't make my opinion right or wrong, just a conversation, a view and that view is that sending money to buy drinks for a girl who is thousands of miles away where they have no real interaction with is weird. Just don't get the need to do it other than allowing certain bars/groups to get another money stream. Good for the bars but I just don't see the value in it for me
    2 points
  18. You are making it sound like the NFL, and your right. But there won't be a salary cap, and like the NFL there won't be promotion of relegation. So Man United with 4 recent seasons without CL football when it was competitive entry, would be guaranteed a place in perpetuity. Brought to you by J P Morgan and FIFA😀 One's a total rotten, corrupt organisation, and the other- oh hang on that's both of them!
    2 points
  19. Here ya go, it was a 1991 model with 17k miles on the clock when i bought it in 2001, it was as new but had PAS. I could'nt get on with the gated gear shift no matter how hard i tried, reverse was where 1st gear traditionally is and 1st gear was where 2nd usually is, i did'nt like it but i had some fun in it.
    2 points
  20. Water marks do very little to protect pics, in most cases you can simply crop the watermark out. For someone with @john lukeskills, he could probably still remove a watermark even if it was plastered across the middle of the picture. That aside, if you have one as large as the one being applied to my pics, then it spoils the picture to an extent that it's not worth bothering posting a nice pic in the first place.
    2 points
  21. Do guys actually buy drinks for girls from 1000's of miles away., wow I am shocked by that. Blimey, I have a problem buying drinks for girls from 2 feet away................lol
    2 points
  22. Gary who had the 69ers on soi 7 and amazon on buakhao walked away from the ridiculous rents still being demanded by landlords. Instead of throwing good money away, he's walked away and plans to open a new bar when this all blows over. Smart idea in my opinion.
    2 points
  23. Bonjour mon brave ....Je suis Samuel .............. triste en France ....Vive la république et RIP Samuel.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. A few snaps from around town, late afternoon, early evening........''Tree Town''..... Sundowners on Beach Rd.....
    1 point
  26. Getting going on some fish tonight, haven’t decided if the carbs will be rice or pasta yet
    1 point
  27. 348s are quite sought after now and better value than 355s....both so pretty cars Sent from my SM-N970F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. A few dozen Chinese tourists arrived yesterday. Eyebrows have been raised as to whether they were really tourists or not due to the fact that 90% of them were all men around the same age.
    1 point
  29. observed while out bird watching today... MB S560 ...
    1 point
  30. Let them get on with it Gal. f**k them off with the proviso of no return... Ever. Jesus, it's not that long ago Chelsea struggled to get 9000 through the door. And Spurs... Lol. Big club 🤔
    1 point
  31. Every day is a school day.
    1 point
  32. It's actually an Audi 5.2 used in the lambo as Audi own Lamborghini Sent from my SM-N970F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. A fool and his money are easily parted. Honestly, anyone that buys a ladydrink for a prossie on paypal deserves to be robbed.
    1 point
  35. Now there's man who appears to have been dragged up proper ! Very nicely put, Sir.
    1 point
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