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As we get older, do we get more or less tolerant of others and them of us?.


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I'm finding myself getting less tolerant of people who should know better, and less tolerant of people taking me for an idiot (phone scammers) but more tolerant of "normal" people just struggling to come to terms with the shit that faces us all on a daily basis.

One example is a lady at the Self service checkout this evening. she accidentally scanned one item twice. no drama to me, I'm waiting in the queue, but the bloke behind me muttered something pretty disparaging under his breath , loud enough for at least me to hear. I ignored the twat. So what, it took the Self service checkout Tesco Nazi (Her name is Tracey, veteran from the Gestapo Charm School) less than a minute to fix.

It reminded me of some Gents (from India) in Pattaya losing their shit because the lady selling corn on the cob was taking up the sidewalk (pathway) and walking slowly. again, I didn't care as I was following her munching my corn on the cob. I think the guys were very fortunate in that the lady didn't care enough about them to worry.

Maybe spending time in SEA softens us all a bit, makes us more understanding and even permanently rewires our brains to just accept stuff like we do when over there.

I dunno, what do you fellas think?.

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2 hours ago, Butch said:

Maybe spending time in SEA softens us all a bit, makes us more understanding and even permanently rewires our brains to just accept stuff like we do when over there.

I'd agree with that.

I've been living  in Thailand a couple of months, find myself more relaxed, far more tolerant of others and more understanding that things that are easy for me, may not be so for others.

The locals attitude to life has slowly rubbed off on me.


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The mai pen rai attitude of Thailand has certainly rubbed off on me. That and I no longer drive a car so my BP has benefited from that as well.

Where I have swung the opposite direction in tolerance is dealing with rudeness. I'm less hesitant to speak up when I see someone behaving badly to others, or to me directly.

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9 hours ago, Lemondropkid said:

I'd agree with that.

I've been living  in Thailand a couple of months, find myself more relaxed, far more tolerant of others and more understanding that things that are easy for me, may not be so for others.

The locals attitude to life has slowly rubbed off on me.



Agree, no doubt. It's all about the rythymn.


At the same time, regarding tolerance as we get older....

I think it's a mixed bag. In more ways probably much less tolerant, but also in many ways more so (understanding).

It becomes more about time management (is it worth it sort of thing). As you go through stages of this you better understand how to manage interactions and the time you allow yourself with others (or out in general). Because you better understand and recognize your inner tolerance. As you do so you can sort it out better (manage it) or, as for some folks let it destroy your life.

When you have other folks in your life that are on the similar level (with what I said above) things are pretty cool.

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6 hours ago, Glasseye said:


Agree, no doubt. It's all about the rythymn.


At the same time, regarding tolerance as we get older....

I think it's a mixed bag. In more ways probably much less tolerant, but also in many ways more so (understanding).

It becomes more about time management (is it worth it sort of thing). As you go through stages of this you better understand how to manage interactions and the time you allow yourself with others (or out in general). Because you better understand and recognize your inner tolerance. As you do so you can sort it out better (manage it) or, as for some folks let it destroy your life.

When you have other folks in your life that are on the similar level (with what I said above) things are pretty cool.

Great post.

Totally agree on meeting like minded people. Back on the original post and tolerance, environment is a huge factor for me.

I'm in Bangkok for a long weekend, have a few things to do and have made a good start on it.

Not sure how tolerant I'd be living here day in day out. Maybe that just suggests I should get out of Sukhumvit!!!


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7 minutes ago, Lemondropkid said:

Great post.

Totally agree on meeting like minded people. Back on the original post and tolerance, environment is a huge factor for me.

I'm in Bangkok for a long weekend, have a few things to do and have made a good start on it.

Not sure how tolerant I'd be living here day in day out. Maybe that just suggests I should get out of Sukhumvit!!!



I can relate mate. There are many other better places if you are looking for more longer time stays, they are countless. 

Factor in some new places to check out throughout the country. You will be doing yourself a favor. And it is realtively cheap, quick and easy for flights. Can be a real eye opener and learning experience.

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Well, I always figured that the older I  got, the more understanding, patient, and compassionate I would become as I mellowed out with age.

Nope. It seems that things are going the opposite way instead; not so much with casual social interaction but with the rapid growth of my community, everyday driving has become a real chore - not just from the congestion alone that has become much worse over the last couple of years, but from people that just don't know how to drive or don't care about doing it properly. There are the sloppy drivers, the inattentive drivers, or those who become petrified at the first flake of snow and hold everyone else up on the road because they're afraid to even keep to the posted speed limit - I just don't have the patience to deal with this anymore and I am so looking forward to parking my truck for the next few months when I can return to Thailand and leave the driving to others. 

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4 hours ago, Lemondropkid said:

Spot on, you've gone from Rangers to the Breakfast Club. Who'd have predicted that?

Aye, it was on Sky the other week. 

I forgot just good a a movie it was, grew up with it in the 80's, my favourite film of that era.

'Yea i got a question, does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?' :lol:

4 hours ago, Glasseye said:


Funny, and I understand what this is saying.

But, fortunately... I would have to disagree.


Cheers mate !

It was meant as a joke.

But i'm certainly less tolerant of fuckwits and their antics than when i was younger. Life's too short to for that shite, especially when you get to our age.

Also find myself leaning to more Right Wing views as the older i get, coincidence with the above ? :lol:

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3 hours ago, Krapow said:

Also find myself leaning to more Right Wing views as the older i get, coincidence with the above ?

That's not good.

All the American driven right wing neo liberalism led to the complete cluster f"*k that is Brexit. 

Hands up who thinks we've got out country back?

And if you had your time again would you be able to bring your lovely wife into the UK with the proposed required income requirements?

Sorry for the off topic, but all this nonsense large parts of the electorate has swallowed will only serve to f*** the economy. 

Back on topic, calm down and learn to love thy neighbour😗

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8 hours ago, Glasseye said:

Factor in some new places to check out throughout the country. You will be doing yourself a favor. And it is realtively cheap, quick and easy for flights. Can be a real eye opener and learning experience.

Better still travel by motorbike and REALLY get to see the country and what it has to offer. You will meet far more people during your travels, especially if you travel alone, Thai's and foreigners will both be asking you where you are from / heading to etc.....

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Whilst folks are attached to their mobile phones and walking  around talking to someone about nothing, not watching where they are going I'm bloody sick of them. I'll fucking swing for one of them one day. 

And it's all ages. By christ, can these people not walk anywhere without having their faces glued to a phone. 

Sad buggers 

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yes agree.  i have rediscovered the "nice to nice" attitude that had worn out.  i still tho am happy to rip to bits ( verbally) anyone who start a ruck but I wont be the one who starts it.  and now actually try to give them a chance to worm out of it


i am an awful lot more tolerant now, a lot thanks to working and living with Thais.  just the way it is

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8 hours ago, SteveBC said:

Better still travel by motorbike and REALLY get to see the country and what it has to offer. You will meet far more people during your travels, especially if you travel alone, Thai's and foreigners will both be asking you where you are from / heading to etc.....

Even on a bicycle mate.   👍

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2 hours ago, tommy dee said:

yes agree.  i have rediscovered the "nice to nice" attitude that had worn out.  i still tho am happy to rip to bits ( verbally) anyone who start a ruck but I wont be the one who starts it.  and now actually try to give them a chance to worm out of it


i am an awful lot more tolerant now, a lot thanks to working and living with Thais.  just the way it is


Well said Tommy, well said.

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15 hours ago, Lemondropkid said:

That's not good.

All the American driven right wing neo liberalism led to the complete cluster f"*k that is Brexit. 

Hands up who thinks we've got out country back?

And if you had your time again would you be able to bring your lovely wife into the UK with the proposed required income requirements?

Sorry for the off topic, but all this nonsense large parts of the electorate has swallowed will only serve to f*** the economy. 

Back on topic, calm down and learn to love thy neighbour😗

Yes, but i started from a very low (far left) bar, Crass, anarchists, Stop The City etc.

I used to make Corbyn look centre right :default_biggrin:

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29 minutes ago, Krapow said:

Yes, but i started from a very low (far left) bar, Crass, anarchists, Stop The City etc.

I used to make Corbyn look centre right :default_biggrin:

Think we all get more conservative as we age. Large and small C from a UK perspective.

Had a very good old friend mark my card  2 years ago about how angry I could get, and it not fitting with my age.

He was right, what real friends are for.

Am getting calmer in Thailand but have had my moments. Not easy for you in London , sources of annoyance everywhere.



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On 12/16/2023 at 1:24 AM, maipenrai said:

Well, I always figured that the older I  got, the more understanding, patient, and compassionate I would become as I mellowed out with age.

Nope. It seems that things are going the opposite way instead; not so much with casual social interaction but with the rapid growth of my community, everyday driving has become a real chore - not just from the congestion alone that has become much worse over the last couple of years, but from people that just don't know how to drive or don't care about doing it properly. There are the sloppy drivers, the inattentive drivers, or those who become petrified at the first flake of snow and hold everyone else up on the road because they're afraid to even keep to the posted speed limit - I just don't have the patience to deal with this anymore and I am so looking forward to parking my truck for the next few months when I can return to Thailand and leave the driving to others. 


I have said this many times before....Driving takes serious time out of our lives.

Serioulsly, the less time I have been in a vehicle the better off my life has been.

Simply as that.

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When I was driving the car in Thailand there was not a single journey when I did not consider mowing down all the bloody motorbikes that got in my way. Come up to a set of traffic lights as the first car when they turned to red and then wait for all the m/bikes to pull in front of you continually creeping up to completely block your exit.

I really, really wanted to mow the fucking  lot down!

The next day, maybe even the same day, I would be out on my wee Honda weaving in and out to get as close as I could to the front of the lined up m/bikes waiting in eager anticipation of the start of the  motorbike Grand Prix as the lights began changing to green.

No, I am the same schizo/easy going miserable bastard I always was. 🤣

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59 minutes ago, Jambo said:

When I was driving the car in Thailand there was not a single journey when I did not consider mowing down all the bloody motorbikes that got in my way. 

I really, really wanted to mow the fucking  lot down!

No, I am the same schizo/easy going miserable bastard

Some things really are best left unsaid ?

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