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What are you doing right now..? (Threads Merged)


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44 minutes ago, Thai Spice said:

Came across this story on a local forum...

The mind boggles, how people can get themselves in shit like that ? And then insisting it is not his fault 😡😡



It is the age we live in and it will get even more common.

The work ethic, the stand on your own two feet approach has gone out of the window.  The young today never accept responsibility for their situation, everyone else is to blame and they have no issue in expecting others to pay for their bad decisions.

There are some Gofundmes that I can see are of merit (and that's why they were started) but anybody now who is left with an unexpected medical bill with no insurance,  immigration problem or just lack of funds due to irresponsibility has a view that they will get help through the use of such funding. Where will it end.

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